Essential Factors to Consider When Looking For a Virtual Conference Platform 

3 min read

Essential Factors to Consider When Looking For a Virtual Conference Platform

People nowadays are more cautious about attending mass gatherings due to the threat of the COVID-19 virus. Even if more individuals get vaccinated and practice proper sanitation protocols, events like seminars and congresses are still unlikely to see the same level of attendees as they used to prior to the pandemic. It is why most companies choose to pick a virtual conference platform to push through with their events despite the pandemic.

Choosing the right platform for all your company’s virtual events like conferences can be challenging. You must keep in mind several tips to help you select the right platform for online events.

5 Tips for Moving a Physical Event to a Virtual Conference Platform |  MeetingsNet

#1: Look For a Comprehensive Platform

When hosting a virtual event, you need to ensure that your platform already has everything you need to keep the ball running. Having to change platforms can be a time-consuming process. So, you need to look for a virtual conference platform that can handle multiple tasks in one go.

You must invest in a platform that can allow you to set up the event website, run the virtual registration step, and even create your own virtual stage. Aside from consuming too much time, the process of using multiple tools can be confusing. So always look for an all-in-one platform to get the most out of your virtual event tool.

#2: Get a Platform that Allows Virtual Networking

In most virtual events like conferences, the attendees can interact with you by answering Q&As and live polls. However, they have no chance of interacting with the event’s moderator, speakers, and fellow attendees.

Interacting with other people during events can provide more benefits for everyone who had a part in the occasion.

To mimic this interaction that they usually enjoy during live events, you must find a platform that comes with a virtual networking feature. It must allow them to message each other to raise questions or have more discussions about the topics presented during the online event.

#3: Check Out the Platform’s User Experience

Oftentimes, the attendees of your virtual event will also be your clients or customers. So each time they connect with your virtual conference platform, they will also get a user experience.

This means that their opinion of your virtual event and the platform used may affect their perception of your product or service as well.

Since you need to maintain an excellent user experience, you must ensure that the platform you use for your conferences is user-friendly and easy to navigate. It will help keep your attendees happy and prevent them from getting frustrated.

Choosing the right virtual event platform is necessary to ensure the success of your online event.

The tool must meet all the requirements and needs that match your company. It must also help you plan and manage the online event right from the start until after the conference.

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Finally, it must also provide everything that your attendees need to make it successful. Look for the platform that has all or most of these features at a price that is also budget-friendly.

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