Healthcare Management Terms

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Guide to Healthcare Management Terms for Highschool Students

It is important to understand what healthcare entails before we dive into the different terminologies used in this field. Understanding healthcare management will give more meaning to the terms as they are being unfolded to you.

Healthcare management is a key part of due diligence consulting work that involves the day-to-day running, organizing, and administration of hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

Healthcare Management TermsImage Source: Pexels

The medical field is not left off the list of professions with their unique jargon. So it is impossible to relate effectively to the running of the healthcare system if you do not understand their terms for communication. As long as you have an interest in this line of profession, no time is too early to start. Staying ahead in your field will always prove to be an added advantage in your career. Get the knowledge of all important healthcare terminologies, and immerse yourself in them.

Important Healthcare Management Terms and Their Acronyms

There are certain healthcare terminologies that you must come across in the healthcare system. They are used in the daily running of hospitals and healthcare facilities, so it is paramount that you know them. Below is a list of some of these terms and their accorded acronyms.

1. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

HIPAA is a federal law that revolves around the guarantee of the protection of patients’ sensitive data. HIPAA regulations are there to ensure that no personal information of the patients is revealed without their consent. The patient’s data cannot be stored without proper encryption, lost, disposed of, or given access to without permission. It is considered a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Violation of HIPAA regulations is punishable by a criminal penalty, and up to one year of imprisonment. This is on the ground that the information or data in question was knowingly disclosed.

2. Area Health Education Center (AHEC)

This is used to address health education centers developed to enhance, improve, and teach medical personnel to be deployed to seemingly medically unfit areas. Their purpose is to enhance education and create a balance in the allocation of the health workforce in areas experiencing scarcity.

3. Average Wholesale Price (AWP)

This is simply the wholesale price charged generally by drug wholesalers to retail pharmacies as recommended by pharmaceutical manufacturers. The manufacturing companies charge the wholesalers a lot less. This enables them to make a reasonable amount of profit from selling while sticking to the average wholesale price.

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4. Below Knee Amputation (BKA)

A BKA is a medical surgery carried out to amputate or cut off an impaired or infected limb below the knee. It is usually a last medical resort when the wounded leg becomes infected and is beyond being treated. This is carried out to prevent the infection from spreading to the healthy part of your leg.

5. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC is the nation’s overseeing science-based organization. They are responsible for the health of the general public and handling emergencies. They also direct safety and preventive measures in the case of a pandemic outbreak. Their duty stretches to checking even environmental and occupational factors that might cause any health damage to the public.

6. Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)

This is a medical order written by a doctor to safeguard patients’ autonomy. It requires that in a case where the patient stops breathing, no form of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) should be carried out on them. A CNR however, does not instruct against other forms of treatment. It is an order that prevents only CPR.

7. Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

These are medical services put in place to attend to emergencies or troubling conditions of patients that require immediate attention. They are also referred to as paramedic services. EMS is rendered mostly in an ambulance before the patients arrive at the hospital.

8. Fracture (FX)

Healthcare Management Terms Image Source: Pixabay In medical terminology, FX stands for fracture. A fracture is a discontinuity of any bone in the body due to breakage. It can be on just a part of the bone, or the entire bone. It can be treated only by skilled medical personnel and requires a medical diagnosis before treatment is carried out. It is critical and should be attended to with urgency.

9. Graduate Medical Education (GME)

This is a crucial program or education pursued after the attainment of a Doctor of Medicine (MD). It is usually taken at a hospital and serves as an internship program. The purpose of this added education is to provide the independence needed by doctors to practice within their field. It gives them the license to start applying their knowledge to patients.

10. Handicapped

Healthcare Management Terms Image Source: Pixabay

This is used to address anyone with a physical impairment capable of limiting their physical or life activities. This limitation is not just measured by their physical inabilities, but also by their mental and social capacities. As long as these disabilities stop them from living the usual life, they are referred to as handicapped. You can also check CPR Certification.

11. Intermediate Care Facility (ICF)

ICFs are legally licensed institutions equipped with the ability to provide healthcare and medical services. They render these services to individuals who do not need the serious attention of fully equipped hospitals. They are approved lawfully by the State and serve as a care structure for individuals medically. They provide support and residency for individuals and work under professional supervision.

12. Nothing by Mouth (NPO)

NPO stands for “Nil Per Os” which is Latin for Nothing by Mouth. It is a standard procedure for surgical patients. It instructs that they stay away from food for hours before their surgery, to ensure their safety. This procedure is observed because of the anesthesia that they are administered. NPO patients are, however, allowed to drink only clear liquids such as water.

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NPO is not just limited to avoidance of food or liquids, it is sometimes also used to instruct that patients are given no oral medication of any kind for a while. Conclusion As long as you take your time to study the above terminologies and more, you are ready to proceed with your healthcare journey. There are a lot of medical terms that you will encounter as you go further in the healthcare system. So starting early to prepare is the best decision you can take.

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