Hot Tips For Increasing the Popularity of Your WordPress Blog

24 min read

12 Hot Tips For Increasing the Popularity of Your WordPress Blog


Today, WordPress powers over 30% of all websites, making it the most popular blog-building platform worldwide. Get some excellent news if WordPress powers your blog. WordPress is not only simple to use but also very well-liked and regarded as the most effective content management system for SEO. I’ll outline a few strategies in this article for growing the readership of your WordPress site.

Utilizing CSS is one of the first key strategies I like to suggest when dealing with WordPress. WordPress is compatible with CSS files, or CSS preprocessors, which let your computer style your website. You can apply different styles to any website you choose by installing a CSS plugin. You can add photos, link buttons, and many other fantastic features to the styles that you wouldn’t be able to accomplish otherwise. The best thing about CSS is that you can switch to a new version without having to completely redo your website.

Grow Your Organic Traffic by 100%

Utilizing plugins is a significant additional WordPress tip. There are countless plugins available that may do a wide range of tasks, from letting you track visitors and gather statistics to them to assisting you in developing lovely WordPress themes. The All in One SEO plugin, one of the most well-liked plugins, automates a lot of the time-consuming SEO chores that you’d typically perform manually. Free video tutorials that demonstrate how to utilise the plugin are also included.

One of the most popular blogging systems is WordPress. Because of its simplicity and user-friendliness, it is a popular platform for bloggers. Due to its rising popularity, WordPress faces security issues. The battle does not, however, end with the establishment of a WordPress blog.


Be Strategic About Your Content

The most efficient method for increasing blog traffic is to simply write better content. The adage “content is king” is used as often as a frat party funnel, which you have probably heard before. Quality alone, however, is only one aspect of “better content” creation. Additionally, your content marketing activities need to be more strategically planned.

The best material is that which meets a particular need. Think about your target audience and their interests. Nowadays, information is frequently split into two categories: amusing and cool, or practical and instructional. Choose either option, and you’ll probably be in the right direction. Visit Quora to check what queries are being asked about your industry subject if you’re looking for inspiration. Additionally, check out what others in your profession have written using Buzzsumo before coming up with something even better. You can also use one of the eight useful blog topic generators listed below. Aim for astonishing stats, amazing infographics, and captivating video storytelling when it comes to content style. Make content that others will want to share and link to.

Create Evergreen Content For Your Blog

Ensure that the majority of your content is evergreen. Evergreen content is that which can exist on the web in perpetuity and is not rendered obsolete by time. For instance, a post about this year’s Academy Award nominations will be obsolete in a few months. A post on the greatest film classics will remain relevant for years to come, making it evergreen.

Crafting Kickass Headlines

As a blogger, you should always make an effort to come up with titles that are irresistibly appealing. Visitors to your website are drawn to it by your headline, which then piques their curiosity. Some people even believe that your headline is more significant than the content of your piece! In the event that you have a fantastic content piece hidden behind an uninspiring headline, it will perish quickly. Looks are everything, and just as you wouldn’t show up to a wedding in your ill clothes, you shouldn’t rely on mediocre headlines to market your blog entries either.

One quick and simple strategy to begin attracting more visitors to your blog is to begin collecting email addresses for the purpose of creating a blog newsletter. Once you’ve collected those contacts, you can send them weekly or monthly emails with links to your most popular pieces, which will encourage people who are already familiar with your website to return. Due to the fact that these users are already familiar with your blog, it is likely that they will spend a long time there on their next visit. Who knows what they’ll come across.

Focus on a Specific Topic

Many people begin blogging with the lofty goal of expounding on their lives, the cosmos, and everything. Unfortunately, despite the fact that one or two of your postings might be interesting to some, the variety of your content will discourage many visitors from returning for more. However, vlogging can be a better method if you insist on talking about everything. Focusing on one or two themes and writing frequently about them are requirements for writing a successful blog. Try progressively extending your topic as your traffic increases if you don’t think you can write about one subject all that much. For instance, if cultivating strawberry plants is your true love, a blog wouldn’t likely be sustained for more than a few weeks. Instead, you might switch to offering advise on how to cultivate fruit trees, then move on to discussing gardening in general, etc. Blogging, which strengthens learning through writing, has frequently struck me as a terrific catalyst for personal development. Write about it as you learn more about your subject and expand your knowledge.

Be an Expert and Be Trustworthy

Which organisation, Joe Blog’s Healing Crystals or Marie Curie Cancer Research, would you rather rely on for information on cancer treatments? Joe Blog’s Healing Crystals was probably nowhere to be discovered in the search results because the solution is simple, and Google knows that as well. Whether through the automated ranking algorithm or the human quality checkers that evaluate websites, Google places a high priority on trustworthiness. This is crucial for postings about money or health difficulties, but it also somewhat applies to all other topics. So how can you demonstrate your knowledge? Although the exact ranking algorithm is unknown, we can infer it mainly depends on links from reliable websites that already exist. Link building is a broad issue, so you shouldn’t try to accomplish it in an artificial way. However, there are other things you can do on your blog to show that you have knowledge, such as listing any credentials or experience in your author biography. If you’re CCNA certified, have built corporate networks for 10 years, and write a blog where you evaluate network routers, then brag about it! There is nothing wrong with demonstrating your expertise to others. Praise your accomplishments. Demonstrate your expertise. Inform individuals of your trustworthiness.

Use Google’s Search Console

The Google Search Console, formerly known as Webmaster’s Tools, is a free service provided by Google to provide you with immediate feedback on items like:

How well your website is doing in the search results, including how often it is displayed to users and how often it is clicked.

  • Indexability issues, such as broken sitemaps or unavailable pages. and whatever technological problems Google may be having.
  • There are 404 or other server failures.
  • cellular compatibility
  • Google Analytics, which provides information on traffic and visitors, is not included in this service. It is 100% free and simple to set up.



Make Your Blog Mobile-Friendly

Today, mobile devices account for around half of all web searches, and that number is rising. You’re losing out on prospective customers if your website doesn’t perform as well on mobile devices, scales poorly, or loads slowly over a 3G connection with a limited data speed. I’m sorry to keep harping on Google, but unless you’ve established a loyal following, that’s where the majority of your traffic will originate. Sites with mobile difficulties will be displayed lower in the search results for visitors using mobile devices thanks to mobile-first indexing.

So how do you adapt your website to mobile devices? It’s crucial to choose a design that scales effectively. Search for “responsive”-tagged themes. The Chrome desktop browser can be used to simulate a mobile device if your theme store doesn’t provide a preview function that lets you switch between desktop and mobile emulation.

Search engine optimization

Writing high-quality content is the only surefire way to get listed on search engines. The copy on your home page, product pages, and all other pages fall under this category. However, there are things you can take to increase the likelihood that people will notice that fantastic information. Your initial move? In order for search engines to find and index your website, make sure that your privacy settings are set to Public. To find out the precise words and phrases individuals are using in their search engine inquiries, conduct some keyword research next. Your titles, headers, body copy, meta descriptions, and URLs should all contain these keywords. You can use tools like SEMRush, Google Webmaster Tools, and Google AdWords Keyword Planner to aid in your study.

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use social networks to promote

Reddit is the best place to get social media traffic without needing to first develop a sizable fan base. Self-promotion is not prohibited on Reddit, though it functions best if someone else submits your content. But you ought to stay inside a reasonable ratio. Your Reddit account shouldn’t be used for nothing but self-promotion. Participate in the community actively by posting comments and other people’s stuff. Be ready for brutally honest criticism as well. If Redditors find out you’re misusing the platform, they won’t be kind to you. Twitter is, in my opinion, the least effective at driving traffic, but there are other benefits to keeping a Twitter account beyond just blog promotion. Facebook still excels at fostering communities but is less efficient at generating traffic (unless you pay). Pinterest can be a good traffic source if your material is largely visual, but again, it will probably be more successful if someone else posts on your behalf.

Maintain Readership on Your Blog

It’s safe to presume that any visitors will be interested in that as well if you have a lot of similar content. There are other plugins that may accomplish this, but Related Posts for WordPress is the simplest to use. If you’re looking for alternatives, be aware that some of them use a lot of server resources and might possibly be prohibited by your hosting company. Installing any related posts plugin will undoubtedly make your blog even slower if it already loads slowly or has thousands of content.

Increase Internal Links

You can link to other website material from within your WordPress posts or pages. Linking to relevant information will increase user engagement and decrease bounce rates on your website. Additionally, you’ll raise the likelihood that more people will find, read, and share your material. The user behaviour on your website can change from “read and exit out of tab” to “read, click link, share, repeat” with the implementation of an effective internal linking strategy. In addition, internal linking increases the likelihood that search engines will index the material on your website and give it a higher ranking.

Improve Your Site’s Speed

The experience of your visitors is impacted by load time in addition to how you rank on search engines. Imagine that after attracting visitors to your website, it takes one, two, or five seconds for the site to load. According to a Section survey, 22.2 percent of visitors will leave your website inside the first five seconds. After seven seconds, that number increases to 32.3 percent. The study also revealed a connection between the number of pages read and page load time. Other excellent practises for enhancing your site’s load time include carefully removing any unneeded plugins, widgets, adverts, external services, and multimedia.

Buttons for social sharing

Make sure to include social sharing buttons for Twitter, LinkedIn, and the other major social networks at the top and bottom of your blog entries. Make it simple for readers to share your content.

Retweet old tweets.

The bulk of your fan audience won’t notice your shared link to a fresh blog article the first time because we don’t all check Twitter at the same time. Reiterate what you’ve tweeted, and don’t be shy about sharing older stuff. As long as the information is still applicable, readers don’t care when it was published.

Invite visitors to contribute.

You add extra content to your blog that you did not have to produce yourself when other people post for it. Additionally, those contributors will spread the word about you among their contacts and may even ask you to write for them, expanding your readership opportunities.

Add a video.

One of the numerous reasons that videos can increase traffic to your website is that Google owns YouTube. Add brief, amusing films to your site to complement the written content there.

Don’t Fear the Keywords

If you want to significantly increase the number of visitors to your website, keywords and search engine optimization (SEO) must be a part of your overall strategy. Nowadays, many get extremely nervous when you suggest they take certain action in the name of SEO, but bear in mind that, when done correctly, SEO is actually very good. It’s wonderful, not just fine! Customers may get the information and solutions they need on the internet, and you get targeted traffic from Google. In a world where there are more websites and advertisements online than ever before, all vying for the most popular keywords, how do you stand a hope of competing? We are, of course, referring to long-tail terms.

Why Do Long-Tail Keywords Matter for Bloggers?

Long-tail keywords are search phrases that are made up of three or more keywords. Long-tail keywords are easier to target (and less expensive when it comes to pay-per-click advertising) than short-tail keywords because there is less competition for these phrases. Targeting long-tail keywords is your best bet for landing a top-of-the-page ranking in Google’s search results.

For example, if your company operates a health food store, you may wish to rank highly on Google for the term “health food.” There’s a good (or bad) probability of that happening because the term “health food” is a highly competitive one. However, if you concentrate on longer search phrases such as “healthy meal plans” or “healthy food on a budget,” your chances of ranking for such longer keyword phrases increase dramatically.

SEO for Bloggers: Finding Long Tail Keywords

How do you brainstorm these awesome long-tail keywords? Start with Google. Begin typing in a phrase and see what Google’s autocomplete suggestions are. Make note of the “eureka!” suggestions.


Next, put a few of those terms into Google and scratch down some Google’s related search suggestions (you’ll find them towards the bottom of the page).


Next, take all the long-tail phrases you’ve come up with and put them into the Google Keyword Planner.



SEO WordPress Plugins for Bloggers

There are numerous excellent WordPress plugins available that are geared to assist bloggers with SEO. You can rely on them to help you with everything from setting up your URL slugs to crafting excellent meta descriptions and setting up sitemaps, as well as navigating other SEO technical aspects that may not come naturally to bloggers.

Find Your Flock: Hunt Down Your Audience’s Nest

Planning out how you’ll use your time and resources is essential when it comes to promoting your blog. Even while it’s advantageous to establish your presence on a range of social media sites, you’ll quickly burn out if you try to succeed on every social media site. Take a step back and consider which social media sites are most effective for you. Is the majority of your blog made up of images? Most likely, LinkedIn should be where you focus your efforts. Is the focus of your website more nerd culture than popular culture? You have a strong chance of becoming famous if you can identify the right subreddits.

You should go to the coast if you’re looking for seagulls. You need to go where your audience hangs out if you want to improve blog traffic. Recognize the locations to search for your feathered companion. Achieving high-quality referral links from reputable websites requires understanding your target audience.

Which websites are driving the most referral traffic to your company can be found using Google Analytics. Participate in forums and websites that members of your target audience frequent. Take part in the conversation and, when needed, provide links or blog comments.

You must avoid sounding spammy; this is crucial. You must be seen as a respected individual in the society who is eager to lend people something of value. Please feel free to point people to your website if they state they need help organising healthy food plans for each week. You can probably ignore them for the time being if they are discussing their struggles with mastering the fine art of clowning.

Once You’ve Found Your Family, Go All In

Once you’ve identified your most important networks, make them the primary point of your efforts. It has been brought to our attention by Neil Patel that Upworthy, in addition to employing curiosity-driven headlines and emotional content, also limits the number of social sharing icons that can be displayed on any given page. The choice paradox demonstrates that providing people with too many options can overwhelm and upset them.

Despite the common belief that having more options is preferable, studies have revealed that most people are satisfied with a limited number of options rather than hundreds. Upworthy offers only two share buttons, which are for Facebook and Twitter. Consider restricting your social sharing options to only the sites that will provide the greatest value to your business.

Want More Blog Traffic? Just Ask.

Sometimes all it takes is a straightforward request to obtain what you desire. According to a survey conducted by Social Bakers, individuals who requested their followers to “RT” their postings on Twitter earned an average of 73.48 retweets for each tweet. Those who did not request retweets received only 2.09 retweets on average. Rather than assuming that people would share your work, simply ask them to do so! This holds true for nearly all call-to-action buttons. While your aims may be self-evident to you, reminding visitors of the course of action considerably enhances the likelihood that they will follow through.

Optimize For Speed and Mobile

Your visitors aren’t going to sit around and wait for your blog to load completely. Your visitors will hit the back button and go on to the next Google listing (ie your rival) before you have a chance to flip a flapjack if your page doesn’t load quickly enough for them. Do you need to examine the speed of your website? It’s not an issue! It is possible to get your page speed score as well as suggestions on what you can do to give your site the boost it may require by using Google Page Speed Insights.

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In a similar line, current users spend roughly three hours a day on their tablets or mobile phones, according to statistics. For bloggers, having a mobile presence is a no-brainer. If you don’t think your present blog is up to par, have a look at one of these excellent WordPress plugins that can assist you in creating a version of your blog that is compatible with mobile devices.

Post content daily

It is necessary to maintain your WordPress blog post up and running at all times. By releasing new and high-quality content on a consistent basis, you can make an impression on your target audience. If you continue to produce new content on your blog on a daily basis, your readers will become interested in your site and will return to it on a regular basis.

They will also like and share your blog posts with their friends and connections, so expanding the reach of your blog post even further. Furthermore, visitors will not only return to your blog, but they will also delve deeper and read other blog entries as a result of their experience. It is possible to enhance the reach of an individual blog article on your site at a faster rate in this manner.

Right usage of keywords

If your WordPress blog article is filled with relevant keywords that correspond to the search queries of online audiences, it is more likely to provide beneficial results. Additionally, the placement of keywords in the blog is extremely important for driving visitors to the site. It is always preferable to conduct keyword research before beginning to compose a WordPress blog post. You may either search for the appropriate keywords for your blog’s context on Google or use one of the advanced keyword planners for this purpose. In order to reach your target audience, these keywords are optimised in order to assist your WordPress blog post get the desired top ranking in the search engines.

Utility of the about page

Every blog post in WordPress is accompanied by an introduction page. If you want to write down all of the specifics of what your blog post is about, this is the place to do it. Or, to put it another way, this is the platform via which you may market your blog and attract new subscribers. In the event that you supply your readers with sufficient material that they can relate to, they will be more interested in your blog posts and your writings in general.

Create attractive posts

The first impression a visitor has always dictates the next step that the visitor will take. It is important to note that the first appearance of the information on your blog has a huge impact on whether or not your blog post is read by your blog’s visitors. Through the use of artistic and creative themes, WordPress allows you to personalise your blogs and make them truly your own. Consider using one or more of these themes into your WordPress blog post to make it more visually appealing and interesting.

It’s also possible to include relevant photographs throughout the message if you so like. Because of this, viewers will be naturally drawn to your WordPress blog content, which will increase the likelihood of them clicking through. Increasing the amount of traffic that your content receives is something you actively pursue in order to expand its reach and visibility.

Make use of Social Media

When attempting to increase the popularity of a blog post or other online publication, it is important to keep in mind the utility of social media. The answer is yes. By actively participating in the sharing of your WordPress blog article on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and other well-known portals, you can double or even treble the reach of your material. It’s really useful to use social media portals in order to keep your fans up to date and encourage them to share your material further down the road.

Become a guest blogger

It may be worthwhile to explore hiring the services of a third-party guest blogger to increase the number of visitors who visit your WordPress blog post on a regular basis. The first and most crucial guideline of guest blogging is to be certain that the site for which you will be writing publishes only authorised and high-quality content, as this is the most common mistake. It is possible to increase your reach on the internet by guest posting on a popular site that receives thousands of daily visits. Second, keep in mind to only write on relevant websites that can benefit from your blog post by including a link to it on their own website or blog.

Consider post requests

You should make certain that you are taking into account each and every comment and piece of advise on blog posts from your target audience, whether they are coming from new visitors or returning readers. Make sure you stay in touch with them by responding to their messages and responding to their queries and concerns. Obtaining their input and suggestions for topics for your upcoming blog piece will demonstrate that you are interested in their opinions and ideas. When it comes to increasing your online reach and exposure, adding a human touch to post requests is the most effective strategy.

Join support groups

This is a very old-school and fundamental method for gaining widespread popularity quickly. Participate in blog carnivals to increase the number of visits to your site immediately. Nothing more complicated than writing on a topic that interests you and submitting it to the carnival’s coordinator. It’s similar to an expert roundup, and it’s uploaded on the host’s page in stages as time permits. If the host is a well-known figure in your industry, this might be a powerful promotional tool for you. It speaks volumes about your knowledge of the subject and attracts visitors from a variety of sources. It is possible to identify blogs that are similar to yours by joining blogging support groups on the internet.

Give your blog access to visitors

Writing blogs that are packed with valuable information on a particular subject makes it simple to attract people who wish to take a look at what you’re writing about. This is a pretty natural method of bringing in more new visitors to your website. However, in order for this to happen, you must make use of a plugin that generates a preview image of your article. This will not only make it more appealing than plain text links, but it will also pique the reader’s interest even after only a cursory peek at your piece.

Make sure you contribute outside of your blogs

If you keep your enormous knowledge bank to yourself, it may appear like you are doing a fantastic job, but this isn’t true. When you make contributions to other websites, your audience takes note. Guest posting on websites in your field is an excellent approach to establish your expertise and establish your authority on the subject. Not only that, but if the hosting website already has a large number of active audiences, it will work to your advantage. Popular guest blogging websites allow the writer to include a brief introduction of himself or herself at the beginning of the post. Some of them may also allow a link to be placed within the lost or in the introduction portion of the document. If a certain new reader enjoys your content, he will know where to find you in the future.

Make connections and interact with your readers

At the very least, most writers write in order to gain approval and appreciation from their readers. As a result, it is critical to understand what people think of you and your abilities. Not only will this assist you in building relationships with them, but it will also improve your writing. Make certain that the information you create resonates with them and encourages them to connect with you as well. Respond to their questions and take into consideration what they have to say in the comments area. It demonstrates that you are concerned about what people think of you.

Ensure your posts can be shared

It is likely that your site is well-liked by your target audience since it contains everything she was looking for. What is the most logical thing to do in the next situation? Spread the word about it in a community that she knows will benefit from the knowledge she has gathered. The majority of the time, good posts receive a large amount of attention and sharing. It demonstrates to the reader that he or she has good taste and preferences. However, in order for any of this to occur, the option of sharing must be open. Make your blog post shareable and sharable on other social media platforms by including a compelling call to action.

Summary – Hot Tips For Increasing the Popularity of Your WordPress Blog

You will need to use a range of tactics to enhance the online audience reach of a WordPress blog post because doing so is not simple. Writing blogs on WordPress about any topic is simple, but getting more readers to visit your blog is a more difficult challenge. Yes, we are referring to the blog post’s online reach, which affects its value and, in turn, its popularity.

Targeting readers who aren’t interested in the content isn’t the most successful strategy for expanding your audience and boosting your revenue, even though WordPress is a great tool for generating blog posts that are suited to your target demographic. A blog post is said to have a wide audience when it succeeds in grabbing the interest of potential readers. In other words, you’ve come to the proper location if you’re looking for information on how to simply enhance the reach of a WordPress blog article or what the other alternatives are.


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