Tips to Ensure Large Format Print Quality

4 min read

5 Tips to Ensure Large Format Print Quality

Even though most business people these days know about large format printing, many of them are not aware of how to ensure that they get high-quality large format prints. Large format printing refers to a class of printing where items like banners, posters, photo collages, and other similar printed products are produced.

If you want your customers and potential customers to take notice of your brand or company—or if you’re a small business looking for a way to grab attention—then large format printing is what you need. From the option to opt for rigid signs to make sure you have the correct file sizes on all graphics included in your print project, here are five tips that will help you get started with large format printing!

Original Photo Quality

To ensure that your large format prints have a quality that is on par with your original photos, check for sharpness and contrast. If it’s not perfect, you might want to go back and retake some shots or try using a different lens. When editing images in Photoshop or other similar photo-editing software tools e.g. text to image generator online – seo tools centre, make sure you are also making use of sharpening filters.

Depending on what kind of image you’re trying to achieve, sharpening can be done both during and after post-processing. Also, remember that viewing angles will affect your print’s clarity. Make sure you’re looking at them from all angles when choosing where to position graphics such as signs, banners, billboards, etc.

In addition to color corrections and cropping photos, focus shifts may need some fixing! In essence, make sure each graphic included in your print project meets professional standards by taking an extra look before sending files off to be printed.

Select Pantone Colors

Pantone’s colors are a standard system used in printing. For instance, some signage applications might require that you stick with only black and white, while others may allow you to mix in some color. While RGB (red-green-blue) is considered standard for web/screen designs, CMYK (cyan-magenta-yellow-black) is usually used for print design.

Make sure you know which type of large format printing will be done on your file before finalizing your graphics or sending it off for printing!

Choose Right Font

It’s easy to forget about small details when working on large format prints. While some projects may require bold fonts for visibility, others might prefer a more subtle appearance.

Make sure you have some fonts that are large enough and have good legibility even from far away! In addition, pay attention to things like spacing between letters and words because if they’re too tight, it can make your print appear cluttered. If that happens, you might not get as much impact as intended.

As long as you choose high-quality fonts in big sizes, your viewers will always be able to read everything printed on your project. That way, nothing gets lost in translation when people look at them.

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Right Résolution

Make sure your print file has an image resolution of 300-400 dpi (dots per inch). You should also consider making use of sharpening filters while you’re editing your images so that everything appears crisp and clear, even when blown up on a large format print.

When it comes to large format printing, quality will determine whether people are able to read what’s printed on your project or not. If there is not enough contrast in text, for example, viewers might struggle with reading your message. Or worse yet, they might just assume that there is nothing important written on it!

By taking steps such as choosing high-quality fonts in big sizes, you can make sure any information included in your design remains clearly visible even from far away. That way, things never get lost between different font sizes, and viewer attention remains fixed on your design all throughout.

Used Specialized Printer

For large format prints, you may want to make use of a specialized printer. According to the SEO Magnifier marketing expert, many companies that offer these kinds of services usually have some kind of software with built-in templates for different products.

That way, you won’t need to worry about figuring out how certain shapes should be cut out and where letters and other details should be placed! In addition, it’s good practice to ask for a sample before deciding on a particular large format printing service provider.

This is especially important if your project has special specifications or comes with difficult requirements such as colors or materials. Getting an idea of what your design will look like in real life is essential when it comes to picking professional printers, so don’t settle for anything less than quality!


Great care needs to be taken when designing for large format printing. While some designers might assume that a certain project doesn’t require careful consideration, even simple projects should be checked over before being sent out for printing!

If you have any questions about your next design project, it’s important to check with your local sign shop or printer before proceeding. Hopefully, now you know what kinds of issues to look out for and how to prevent them from happening again in your next project!


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