What is Google BERT?

8 min read

What is Google BERT? 

Google recently has updated its algorithm and introduced Google BERT. Google develops BERT for Natural language processing and training. Jacob Devlin and other members of his team created and published BERT in 2018. BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from the transformer. Google has introduced BERT to understand the search for internet users better.

Website owners apply many SEO tactics to their websites to boost traffic. Search engine optimization(S.E.O) techniques help them increase visibility. But Google updates its algorithm from time to time, and website owners face complications in applying SEO strategies when Google declares changes and updates its algorithm. They feel vulnerable. Here is more about the recent algorithm update of Google and how SEO professionals can deal with it.

What is Google BERT?


In today’s times, BERT is being used for English language queries, and in the future, it will be used for other languages. Google BERT may also affect featured snippets. It is used in every part of the world in the featured snippets in almost all the languages.

It’s a neural-based technique for NLP pre-training. BERT was introduced to help computers understand languages, just like how humans do.


When is it used? 

What is Google BERT?

According to Google, BERT improves the search engine’s ability to establish connections between individual words and comprehend their significance. Previously, it struggled with recognizing such associations. With BERT, however, the search engine is now capable of comprehending how basic terms like ‘and,’ ‘or,’ or ‘to’ can drastically modify a sentence or inquiry’s meaning. As a result of this understanding, these fundamental words can lead to highly pertinent outcomes for users.

Google emphasized that words such as ‘do’ are crucial in delivering pertinent content to the audience. A key benefit of Google BERT is its capacity to interpret users’ queries more like a human would, which eliminates any difficulties for Google in comprehending those questions and enables it to respond appropriately. With BERT’s assistance, Google can provide even more relevant results that cater precisely to what its users need.

In addition, by utilizing BERT to comprehend user inquiries, Google can present appropriate featured snippets. For instance, in the past, queries such as “Parking on a hill with no curb” would leave Google confused regarding the inclusion of “no.” However, since implementing BERT technology into its processes, Google recognizes how minor details impact sentence meaning and offers more fitting search results accordingly.


What about RankBrain? 

What is Google BERT?

Google introduced RankBrain as its first AI method to understand queries. It launched five years ago to look at questions and understand the web pages’ content of the Google index. It used to provide Google with an accurate and better meaning of words and people’s queries. RankBrain was quite popular at that time and also played a significant role in ranking.

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However, it’s not popular in today’s times, but that doesn’t mean it is dead. It’s still used for some of the queries of the users. Google keeps using RankBrain and BERT to understand the meaning of the words. Whenever Google thinks RankBrain would not be able to explain a particular query effectively. Google starts taking help from BERT. Google says that we use multiple methods to understand a question, and BERT is one of them.

What impact will Google BERT have on SEO?

What alterations will BERT’s machine learning language model bring about in your search outcomes? How will Google’s algorithm evaluate your content due to this change?

We sought the opinions of three experts from leading marketing technology firms.

According to HubSpot’s Director of Acquisition, Matthew Howells-Barby, the implications for marketers with the introduction of BERT are comparable to those seen with RankBrain’s release.

In the end, BERT is set to significantly enhance Google’s capacity for comprehending the underlying context of search queries made on its platform. This will enable them to deliver more relevant results that align with user intent.

Businesses ought not to search for means of manipulating the latest update.

Just as there was no “optimizing for RankBrain” despite the numerous articles asserting it, similarly, there is no concept of “optimizing for BERT.”

With the introduction of BERT, Google’s natural language processing has achieved unprecedented levels resulting in more detailed and precise answers to queries. Those already optimizing for intent are at an advantage as this is exactly what our Topic Cluster approach aims to accomplish.

Consumer intent should be your top priority.

According to Lemuel Park, CTO at BrightEdge, BERT represents the latest phase in Google’s ongoing attempt to enhance its ability to match search results with user intent.

Google’s technique for natural language processing (NLP) utilizes a neural network approach to comprehend more conversational-based queries.

Park clarifies that this is an algorithmic modification and not an upgrade. From a marketing perspective, it entails enhancing the precision and comprehensiveness of content while delving further into long-tail keywords or phrases consisting of more than three words.

In 2014, the BrightEdge platform incorporated a strategy and tactic to capitalize on longtail keywords. By developing more comprehensive content with lower volume per page and less competition, marketers can take advantage of this opportunity for increased reach.

To navigate BERT, concentrate on the intent of consumers – that’s his guidance.

As a digital marketer, the most effective action to take is to continually enhance your comprehension of consumer intent by scrutinizing conversational search themes and keywords. By doing so, you can guarantee that you have appropriate content on your website for answering queries or addressing concerns in an optimized manner while connecting with potential customers effectively.


How does Google use multiple methods to understand a query? 


Google further explained that they use several ways to understand what a particular query means and what blog posts and articles on the web are related to that specific query.

Most often, when we search for something on Google, and if we misspell a word, the spelling systems of Google help us find the content related to the right terms. Don’t they?

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Similarly, when we use a word that’s a synonym to the terms that get included in the content of Google, then Google shows us content related to the synonyms. Like these, BERT is another tool or algorithm that Google uses to understand the user’s queries effectively.

Google uses several systems to understand what the users are seeking and provide them with the best and accurate results.


Optimization for BERT 

There is no such thing as doing SEO for BERT. Google is becoming better at understanding the languages and people’s search. You need to create the relevant content, and Google will show your result wherever it would seem necessary.



What is a neural network?

Neural networks are algorithms designed for pattern recognition, aiding in tasks like image categorization, handwriting recognition, and predicting financial trends. They analyze data sets to identify patterns and are utilized in various real-world applications, including search algorithms for tasks like click modeling.

What is natural language processing (NLP)?

Natural language processing is a branch of artificial intelligence focused on enabling computers to understand and interpret human language as it is naturally spoken or written. NLP facilitates advancements such as social listening tools, chatbots, and predictive text suggestions on mobile devices.

How does BERT work?

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) revolutionizes language model training by considering the entire context of a sentence or query during training, rather than just the sequential order of words. It generates contextual word representations by analyzing the surrounding words, leading to more accurate understanding of language nuances.

Does Google use BERT for all searches?

No, BERT enhances Google’s understanding of approximately one in ten searches in English in the U.S., particularly for longer, more conversational queries or those where prepositions play a significant role in meaning.

How will BERT impact featured snippets?

BERT may influence the content displayed in featured snippets by improving the understanding of nuanced queries, resulting in more accurate and relevant featured snippet results.

What’s the difference between BERT and RankBrain?

While both BERT and RankBrain contribute to Google’s search algorithms, they operate differently. BERT focuses on bidirectional training to understand language context comprehensively, while RankBrain analyzes past queries to inform search results and interprets queries to surface relevant content.

Bottom line

Google keeps updating its algorithm, and online business owners feel vulnerable when Google changes the algorithm. The recent update of Google is the BERT, and it might affect some website owners. But you need not forget that relevancy is the key to get a higher rank in SERPs. It would help if you kept creating relevant and high-quality content, and Google would show your website in search results.

Many website owners have experienced a change in the traffics to their websites. It will help if you check whether the amount of traffic for your website has changed recently or not. And if it has, then how can you boost the truck again. It would be best if you also found out whether other websites have experienced a drastic change in the amount of traffic they were receiving or not. Before searching for solutions, you need to analyze social media things and search accordingly.


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