Engaging Video Content

11 min read

8 Different Types of Engaging Video Content


Increasing brand awareness and marketing can be completed effectively by providing engaging video content to current and potential customers. Offering a sneak peek behind the scenes, client testimonials or how-to videos can be entertaining and highly valuable to anyone interested in using the products or services of a company. Incorporating video into a company’s marketing strategy doesn’t require an owner or employee to be on camera. There are several different techniques available to entice and engage with viewers.


Explainer Videos

No more robotic voices in your explainer videos! Now, you can enhance the user experience by adding an AI-modulated TTS voice generator. You only need to add the required text in this tool and select the suitable voice and pitch; then, it will create a personalised voiceover with realistic, high-quality voices. You can use it to explain your product and services in a user-friendly manner. It gives you the flexibility to create voiceovers in 20 different languages to boost your engagement from all across the world.

Several different types of content are introduced daily on the internet. With these fresh ideas and changing environments, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd. Using an explainer video can assist with this challenge by grabbing a viewer’s attention. The main objective of this method is to use a few minutes to explain a service, product or business. Answering basic questions can help offer more details about the personality and culture of a brand. Conveying the emotion needed for this portrayal should be easier to complete using video.

A very good post on Explainer Video Examples in 9 Different Industries can be found here


Behind the Scenes


Using this method shows the audience a side of a company they don’t usually get to see. It can be an excellent way to create a human connection with an audience and help to foster trust, which would be more challenging to achieve using a traditional blog post.


For example, a real estate agency might consider creating ‘behind the scenes’ vlog style videos to show clients and potential customers a glimpse of the day-to-day running of their business and what goes into the work they do. They might also explain how real estate investments compare to other popular investments.


One bonus of utilizing this type of content is its affordability. It can be inexpensive to produce. Using a camera and sharing fun facts about employees or the workspace can create a more personal level between a company and its customers. Letting an audience view a company being transparent aids in showing there is nothing to hide and humanizes a company.


17 Types of Video Content That People Actually Want to Watch

Client Testimonials


Using previous customers who have utilized the services or products of a company is another excellent way to build credibility for a brand and engage with potential customers. While using text-based testimonials can be beneficial, using video is much more shareable via social media sites. Several individuals watch online videos, which increases the ability to engage with an audience. Client testimonials offer prospects the ability to understand the viewpoints of actual clients who provide their honest opinions. Having clients offer their testimony is an excellent sign of trust, which should help increase a brand’s credibility.


How-To Videos


Using a how-to video has significant benefits over text. Many individuals learn by watching, making this method highly valuable to an individual who has purchased a product and wants to know how to use it correctly. The same methodology can also be used for a company’s services. How-to videos offer the best engagement and provide the context needed to help customers understand how a company’s service or product can aid them. Keeping this video method short and concise should provide the necessary solution to answer a customer’s questions.




Filming an interview and offering it to customers can provide an authentic look at how an owner or employees conduct business. If it’s unscripted and matches the same persona provided when handling the business, it should help instill confidence and trust with a company’s audience. Using this method should be completed by offering the viewers a captivating story, which entices them to learn more about a business. Using the right person to interview is essential in providing a welcoming screen presence. Incorporating a high-quality video with B-roll footage can build a more solid connection with a customer base.

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Event Videos


Hosting an event can take a significant amount of work. Capturing it on video and supplying it to customers can help extend the event’s length and reach. Using video allows an audience to see and understand what happened without actually being there. It can also extend its reach and enable individuals to attend an event virtually when they are miles away from the actual physical location. Using event videos can also offer more dynamic content that can be used at any stage of the purchasing process, including introducing a brand to a new audience or encouraging sign-ups. Offering clients a video of the networking moments, activities and top speakers at an event helps reinforce engagement and build a stronger connection.


Personalized Video Marketing


Clients enjoy having a personalized experience. Using this form of video marketing can help drive engagement as many consumers usually prefer receiving information tailored to their specific needs. After receiving several generic emails daily, this type of content can be refreshing. Introducing a personalized message helps instill a sense of trust and is much easier to consume than reading text. Data and insights can be utilized in a personalized video to help answer questions and offer relevant information. Using specific insights can help create an engaging, unique experience to foster customer loyalty.




Animated videos offer a fun way to market visually and don’t require an owner or employee to be in front of the camera. It’s also an excellent way to offer a style of video different from other methods. Using it to break down complex technical products or complicated ideas can be a perfect way to help clients have a more solid understanding of the features of a product or service. Utilizing an animated video can quickly set a company apart from the competition and establish it as innovative and creative.


Using one or more of these eight techniques should help increase brand awareness and entice customers to share the content with others. Video can have a high conversion rate and help build trust. It also offers a way to create a strong emotional convnection and online presence. Persuading a customer to take a specific action should also be easier and more straightforward by utilizing video marketing

How to Create Engaging Videos for Social Media - Underground Marketing Society

Capture your audience’s curiosity

Mankind’s curiosity is the driving-force of human improvement, progress, and ingenuity. Folks at all times have the urge to need to know why, how, when, and the place. It will be clever to maintain this human trait in thoughts if you wish to create partaking video content material. In the event you make the viewers sense a niche of their data, you may get them engaged in your video content material as a result of there’s a payoff on the finish.

You may obtain this in some ways. The most typical one is to pick out essentially the most fascinating bits of the video and synthesize them initially. It will create an curiosity within the viewer’s thoughts.


Know your viewers and maintain their attention

In line with Facebook’s video consumption data analysis for 2016, individuals who watch the primary 3 seconds of a selected video will proceed watching it for at the very least 30 seconds. After nailing step 1, it’s a must to maintain your viewers’s consideration so that they don’t click on off onto the subsequent factor. Since you don’t have any real-time visible cues that will let you decipher your viewer’s response, your best guess is to know your viewers and analyze indicators of engagement. Tweak your video content material accordingly for the subsequent time you post.  To extend the video’s engagement, you should analyze the next:

  • Feedback
  • Variety of new subscribers
  • Likes
  • Viewers retention rate

You can even ask the viewers what they need utilizing polls or by interacting with them instantly within the remark part. This may also improve engagement and make the viewers really feel valued.


Use eye-catching visuals to make engaging video content material

Video has change into the preferred supply of information and leisure for individuals right now. YouTube’s recognition is a testomony to this truth. According to Oberlo, 85% of web customers in the USA watch movies month-to-month and 54% demand extra video content material from their favourite manufacturers or firms that they observe. In an age when persons are pressed for time and have quick consideration spans, aesthetically interesting; enjoyable to look at movies reign supreme. Advertising movies will be of assorted varieties, similar to:

  • Explainer movies
  • Tutorials
  • testimonials
  • Interviews
  • Live streams
  • Product movies
  • Vlogs (Video blogs)
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Use visible storytelling to get your level throughout to the viewers in a brief period of time. Incorporate textual content, narration, animation and so forth. to create dynamic and interesting video content material. Do you could have an explainer video you need to promote? Be taught some nice recommendations on the right way to just do that here.


Incorporate storytelling for engaging video content material

Storytelling is essential in terms of creating partaking video content material. It means that you can transfer away from the in-your-face, product-led technique of promoting to one thing that’s extra nuanced.

Sainsbury’s business for 2014, “Christmas is for sharing” is an instance of nice storytelling. The video tugged on the heartstrings of viewers within the UK and all over the world. It additionally turned the most-viewed advert within the UK. At the moment, it has greater than 20 million views on YouTube and even helped the grocery retailer attain second place in its sector. To create a story-line on your video, you may observe one or a number of plot strains.

Chances are you’ll assume that there are all kinds of story kinds to select from. In actuality, the quantity isn’t very overwhelming. Numerous authors have famous that there are basically 7 varieties of plots for tales. You, as a marketer and advertiser, could make use of at the very least one in every of these to create a compelling narrative on your video content material.    If you wish to find out about making wonderful app movies, try this post.


Integrate ethos, pathos, and logos for persuasive content material

Top 5 Tips on How to Create Engaging Video Content - MotionCue

Ethos, pathos, and logos are Aristotle’s well-known rhetorical appeals; also referred to as “modes for persuasion”. These are utilized in speech writing and promoting to get the viewers to empathize with a standpoint. The three appeals will be briefly described as follows:

  • Ethos: enchantment by ethics
  • Pathos: enchantment by emotion
  • Logos: enchantment by logic


i) Embody details and set up your company’s credibility

Ethos permits the institution of belief between you and your viewers. This occurs if you efficiently set up your credibility. You may improve engagement in case your viewers views you as a dependable supply of content material. Incorporate logos as well and embrace details and figures. Double examine your references, again up claims, and provides credit score the place credit score is due. You can even work with influential personalities for partaking video content material creation. This helps to venture a selected picture on your model and bolsters credibility as well.

Preserve you model’s reputations so that you don’t have to fret about harm control later. Within the present politically right local weather, firms and types might take a step within the fallacious route and anger the plenty. In extreme circumstances, it’s often best to deal with grievances, difficulty an apology, and proceed with building up your company’s status so your viewers can see that you simply they have discovered from errors. Your company and model picture will endure in case you don’t concentrate on this space of rhetorical enchantment.

ii) Appeal to your viewers’ emotions

Within the earlier level, we mentioned ethos (enchantment by ethics). This half offers with pathos (enchantment by feelings). There may be an countless ocean of content material and over saturation of ads within the current day. Manufacturers and firms should attain their viewers and get the message throughout without coming off as a nuisance.

Creating video content material that evokes an emotional response is a good way to chop by way of the noise and improve viewers engagement. Movies that resonate with viewers and incite hope, happiness, pleasure, and intrigue are those that go viral. Content material that has an emotional enchantment is extra memorable and impacts the viewers in a profound approach. The result’s that the viewer stays engaged and types a bond with the model.


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