Best Website Welcome Message Examples

16 min read

Website Welcome Message Examples – Eeasy Guide

Searching for welcoming message ideas for your website? Look no further! We’ve compiled the best welcome messages that are versatile and suitable for various scenarios. Whether you’re a newcomer to crafting welcome messages, operate a small business with a modest audience, or aim to create greetings across different marketing channels, this collection has you covered.

What makes these examples stand out is their universal appeal. While some may originate from emails, the concepts can easily be adapted for use in popups, push notifications, and other automated marketing campaigns. So, regardless of your situation, you can leverage these examples to enhance your business.

Excited to explore?

Let’s get started!

Why You Should Use a Website Welcome Message

Introducing a website welcome message is a fantastic method to reconnect with your audience without being intrusive. Your subscribers will appreciate a confirmation that they are indeed subscribed to your emails and push notifications. Crafting an automated series of welcome push notifications serves as the perfect way to onboard visitors to your website. Power up your strategy with PushEngage, the world’s #1 push notifications plugin – and the best part? It’s free!

As we delve into our examples, you’ll discover the full potential of this straightforward campaign. Right now, the key takeaway is this: if you haven’t created your website welcome yet, it’s high time to start. Moreover, it’s not limited to just emails and push notifications. If popups are part of your website strategy, don’t miss out on exploring the effectiveness of welcome mats.

Curious to learn more? Begin enhancing your engagement strategy today!

Best Website Welcome Message Examples You Can Swipe

Now that you grasp the importance of creating a website welcome message, let’s dive into the examples. Our list encompasses various types of businesses, and here’s a crucial point to understand before exploring them: your business doesn’t need to fit into the categories listed here. It doesn’t have to be as large or operate in the same industry. A welcome message is beneficial for any business offering a product or service, regardless of its size or niche.

So, whether you run a small business or operate in a distinct industry, a well-crafted welcome message can undoubtedly contribute to the success of your product or service.

10+ Best Website Welcome Message Examples

#1. Lyft

Lyft Welcome Notification

If your product’s true value is best understood through use, don’t hesitate to showcase it. Take a cue from Lyft, which excels in encouraging first-time users to dive into the experience immediately. Lyft’s approach stands out as a more abstract welcome message, treating users like friends rather than going through the typical subscription confirmation process. The language used is comforting and familiar, contributing to the effectiveness of the notification.

This style requires a skilled writer to pull off successfully. If you don’t have a copywriter on your team or aren’t considering hiring one soon, our guide on copywriting for push notifications can provide valuable insights.


Shein welcome discount

SHEIN goes beyond just prompting users to get started; they sweeten the deal for first-time users with a tangible offer. As a welcome bonus, new subscribers receive a flat $3 off on their initial purchase. Offering a discount, even a modest one, is consistently a great idea—it not only entices customers but also makes them feel wanted and appreciated. Who wouldn’t want more of that in their life?

A small enhancement we recommend here is incorporating emojis into your welcome notification. Emojis can effectively convey your tone and add a touch of warmth to your message.

#3. HelloFresh

hellofresh welcome push notification

HelloFresh’s welcome message on their website represents the pinnacle of evolution! Through a single push notification, they skillfully convey their unique value proposition and generously provide users with a $30 discount to ease their purchasing decision. The brilliance of this notification lies in HelloFresh’s strategic use of a custom image as a crucial component of their communication. Such a welcome message not only enhances engagement but also holds the potential to generate immediate sales.

We strongly recommend incorporating images into your push notifications. The right image possesses the ability to attract more clicks and drive sales, surpassing the impact of a notification relying solely on text.

Website Welcome Message Emails

Emails have demonstrated their effectiveness as a super-effective marketing tool to engage your audience. So, naturally, we’re about to explore a variety of email campaigns. However, before you embark on setting up your website welcome emails, it’s essential to leverage an Email Service Provider (ESP) to streamline the entire process. We highly recommend using Drip to establish automated website welcome emails for your business. Let’s delve into it.

#1. Marketing Sherpa

Marketing Sherpa Welcome EmailMarketing Sherpa has long been a valuable resource for learning about marketing. They implement a unique approach with their email subscribers. Instead of bombarding them with a plethora of content, Marketing Sherpa directs users to a list of content categories, allowing them to choose their preferences. If a subscriber opts for a specific content category, they will only receive emails related to that particular content type. This approach elevates segmentation to another level. The crucial lesson here is to utilize audience segmentation to refine your messaging, and your welcome campaign is the ideal place to implement this strategy.

#2. Grammarly

GrammarlyA fantastic approach for your welcome message is to remind users why they subscribed to your messages or signed up for your product. Grammarly excels in this aspect by showcasing its best features in their welcome email. It serves as an instant reminder of why you initially signed up for the app. Simultaneously, you receive immediate insights into where you should begin. The inclusion of custom art adds an extra touch of coolness!

#3. Puma


Puma’s approach to ensure their emails are not marked as spam is indeed a smart strategy. By asking new email subscribers to add the official Puma email ID to their address book, they can help prevent their emails from being filtered out in spam folders. This method has several benefits:

  1. Authenticity: Sending emails from an official email ID helps establish trust and authenticity with the recipients, making it less likely for them to mark the emails as spam.
  2. Whitelisting: By asking subscribers to whitelist the official Puma email ID, they can ensure that the emails are delivered directly to the recipients’ inboxes instead of being filtered out in spam folders.
  3. Reduced likelihood of phishing scams: Since the emails are coming from an official and trusted source, there is a lower chance of them being mistaken for phishing scams, which often use spoofed email addresses to deceive recipients.
  4. Improved deliverability: By following this strategy, Puma can improve the deliverability of their emails, ensuring that their subscribers receive the information they have opted to receive.
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Overall, this approach helps Puma maintain a strong relationship with their customers and subscribers while minimizing the chances of their emails being marked as spam or falling into the wrong hands.

#4. HelpCrunch

HelpCrunch welcome messageHelpCrunch’s onboarding email is indeed simple, warm, friendly, and inviting. It effectively communicates the brand’s personality and makes the onboarding process more accessible to users. Here’s why their approach works:

  • Simplicity: The email is concise and straightforward, avoiding complex language or unnecessary information that might confuse users
  • Warmth: The email starts with a warm welcome, making new users feel welcomed and appreciated
  • Friendly: The tone of the email is friendly and approachable, which helps establish a connection with the users
  • Inviting: The email encourages users to explore the platform and its features, making them feel invited to engage with the product
  • Effective communication: HelpCrunch’s onboarding email serves as a noninvasive, proactive way to communicate with customers, increasing the chances of a positive first impression
  • Personalization: The email personalizes the onboarding experience by addressing the user’s needs and providing tailored guidance
  • Timely follow-up: HelpCrunch’s onboarding process includes a series of emails sent at strategic intervals, ensuring that users receive relevant information at each stage of their journey

Overall, HelpCrunch’s onboarding email is a great example of how simplicity and warmth can effectively engage users and encourage them to succeed with the product.

#5. Ralph Lauren

Ralph LaurenThe practice of providing personalized coupon codes, as done by Ralph Lauren, can indeed enhance the customer experience. By issuing unique codes, customers feel a sense of exclusivity and personalization. This approach can be scaled up using Smart Coupon Generators, allowing businesses to generate individualized codes for a large number of customers. This not only adds a personalized touch to the discount offering but also enables businesses to track and analyze the usage of each code, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.

#6. Brooklinen

Brooklinen-Welcome-EmailBrooklinen’s welcome email, featuring a simple GIF and the text “You’re In!”, effectively conveys a sense of joy and warmth. The use of a minimalist GIF and concise text creates an inviting and friendly tone, making the email memorable for recipients. This approach aligns with the idea that simplicity can be a powerful tool in engaging with customers. The use of GIFs in emails is a popular and effective way to capture attention and communicate messages in a visually appealing manner, as demonstrated by Brooklinen’s email.

#7. CamelBak

CamelBak Newsletter WelcomeCamelBak’s welcome email is an excellent example of how minimalism can be effective in creating a warm and inviting message. The email features concise text that reminds customers that the brand has their back every time they go backpacking. The use of minimalism in the email helps to avoid overwhelming the customer with too much information, making it easier for them to engage with the message. Additionally, the inclusion of social media links at the bottom of the email is a nice touch that can help increase engagement on social media accounts. This approach aligns with the idea that simplicity can be a powerful tool in engaging with customers, as demonstrated by other examples of effective welcome emails from brands such as Brooklinen, Allbirds, and The Daily Edited.

#8. IKEA

IKEA website welcomeThe use of minimalism and brand-focused content in welcome emails, as exemplified by IKEA, Brooklinen, and CamelBak, can be an effective way to engage customers. These examples demonstrate the power of understanding and connecting with the target audience. By leveraging simplicity and brand identity, companies can create welcoming and memorable messages for their customers. Additionally, the inclusion of social media links in welcome emails, as highlighted in the search results, presents an opportunity to further engage customers and foster a sense of community.

#9. The Hustle

The Hustle You’ve seen the minimal website welcome messages. Then, there’s The Hustle. The Hustle has had some of the quirkiest marketing campaigns ever and their onboarding email is no different. The entire email is one massive (for an email) absurdist sketch. In simple words, Sam Parr creates an exaggerated scene just to talk about how excited he is to have you on board. It’s like a scene straight out of ‘The Office’ and it leaves you begging for more. If you can do that with your subscribers and have them excited to read your next email, you’re going to build a loyal fanbase unlike any of your competitors. We all want that, don’t we?

#10. Miro

Miro Welcome EmailMiro’s welcome email is a prime example of leveraging social proof to reinforce the decision of signing up. By highlighting that the user is now part of a community of over 25 million creative individuals, the email aims to instill confidence in the user’s choice to join. This approach is designed to create a sense of belonging and reassurance, ultimately contributing to a positive onboarding experience. When combined with the technique of FOMO (fear of missing out) in opt-ins, this strategy can yield significant results by engaging and retaining users.


Customerio website welcome’s welcome message is an excellent example of creating a memorable and engaging first impression. The combination of a flowchart infographic, embedded video, and HTML design creates a visually appealing and unforgettable experience for new users. However, it’s essential to remember that simplicity can be just as effective in creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere. Here are some key takeaways from’s welcome message:

  • Visual appeal: The use of a flowchart infographic and embedded video adds a unique and engaging element to the welcome message, making it more visually appealing and memorable for users
  • Personalization: Addressing users by their first name or username can create a more personal and welcoming tone, making them feel valued and appreciated
  • Simplicity: While visually appealing elements can be engaging, it’s crucial not to overlook the power of simplicity. A concise and well-crafted text can create a welcoming and memorable impression on new users
  • Call-to-action: Including a clear call-to-action invites users to start getting value from the service, encouraging them to explore the platform and its features
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When creating a welcome message, it’s essential to balance visual appeal with simplicity and personalization to create a positive and welcoming atmosphere for new users.

#12. Canva

Canva website welcome messageCanva is a design-focused brand that offers a range of tools and resources for creators. One of their welcome email strategies is to introduce users to their Beginner’s Challenge, which is designed to help users explore the product and have fun while setting up powerful push notification campaigns. This approach is similar to the one used by PushEngage, which offers a Beginner’s Challenge inside the dashboard for users who sign up for any of their plans. The idea behind this strategy is to create an onboarding challenge that provides enough incentive for customers to participate, leading to increased engagement and repeat customers over time. The use of onboarding challenges is not limited to software products and can be applied to any business as long as there is enough incentive for customers to participate. The key takeaway is that a well-crafted welcome message can be a powerful tool in engaging with customers and creating a positive first impression.

#13. Trello

Welcome-message-TrelloTrello’s welcome email is a testament to the effectiveness of a no-nonsense, function-focused approach. The email primarily consists of a list of resources aimed at helping new users get started quickly, reflecting Trello’s commitment to practicality over aesthetics. This approach is a textbook example of an onboarding email that prioritizes providing valuable resources to users, setting a strong foundation for their Trello experience. The simplicity and emphasis on functionality in Trello’s welcome message serve as a compelling model for creating an effective onboarding experience.

#14. Medium

Medium Onboarding emailThe website welcome message is a critical component of engaging and retaining visitors. It can be integrated into a website through various means, such as creating a welcome mat popup or redirecting visitors to a thank you page when they take a specific action. These methods are effective in capturing visitors’ attention and encouraging them to explore the website further. Additionally, the use of push notifications can also serve as an automated website welcome message, providing another avenue for engaging with visitors. If you’re looking to create compelling popups for your website, tools like OptinMonster can be valuable in this endeavor, offering a range of proven push notification templates to convert more website visitors into email subscribers.

OptinMonster home

The search results provide a wealth of information on website welcome messages, including examples, best practices, and tools for creating effective welcome popups. The resources cover various aspects, such as the importance of welcome messages, different types of welcome messages, and the elements that should be included in a welcome message on a website. Additionally, the search results offer insights into creating compelling welcome messages, personalization techniques, and the use of incentives to engage visitors. If you’re looking to enhance the user experience on your website and create impactful welcome messages, these resources offer valuable guidance and practical examples to help you achieve your goals.


#15. Find Me a Gift

Smart Content PersonalizationFMAG Welcome mailFind Me A Gift’s welcome message is indeed a charming and effective example of how to engage users and encourage them to interact with the platform. The message focuses on socializing with the team and creating a sense of community, which can make users feel more at ease and likely to participate in the platform’s offerings. Ending the message with a question can be an excellent way to prompt users to respond and engage with the platform, as it taps into the human brain’s desire to find answers and connect socially. This approach can be highly effective in fostering a sense of community and encouraging users to interact with the platform, ultimately leading to increased user satisfaction and retention.

#16. Score

Score Website Welcome Message

The search results provide a comprehensive overview of website and email welcome messages, offering valuable insights and examples to help businesses create engaging and effective onboarding experiences for their customers. The resources cover various aspects, such as the importance of welcome messages, different types of welcome messages, and the elements that should be included in a welcome message on a website or in an email. Additionally, the search results offer insights into creating compelling welcome messages, personalization techniques, and the use of incentives to engage visitors. If you’re looking to enhance the user experience on your website and create impactful welcome messages, these resources offer valuable guidance and practical examples to help you achieve your goals.

#17. Virgin America

Virgin America WelcomeVirgin America’s welcome message is an excellent example of how to create a warm and friendly tone in a welcome message. The message features a playful opening copy and a casual call-to-action, positioning Virgin America as a hip, fun-loving brand. The use of the “I love you” hand symbol in the message’s design signals to the recipient that the brand cares about its customers, creating a sense of connection and appreciation. Additionally, the message sets clear expectations for the future, creating a habit loop in customers that can lead to increased engagement and loyalty. The search results provide a wealth of information on creating effective welcome messages, including examples, best practices, and tools for creating compelling welcome popups. These resources offer valuable guidance and practical examples to help businesses create engaging and effective onboarding experiences for their customers.

What to Do After You Set Up a Website Welcome Message

The search results provide a comprehensive overview of website welcome messages, including examples, best practices, and tools for creating compelling welcome popups. The resources cover various aspects, such as the importance of welcome messages, different types of welcome messages, and the elements that should be included in a welcome message on a website. Additionally, the search results offer insights into creating effective welcome messages, personalization techniques, and the use of incentives to engage visitors. If you’re looking to enhance the user experience on your website and create impactful welcome messages, these resources offer valuable guidance and practical examples to help you achieve your goals.

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