Make Money With SEO

16 min read

Top 15 Ways To Make Money With SEO

Using search engine optimization to make money is a great way to supplement your income or earn a living online. You can work from the comfort of your own home, and you have the potential to earn significantly more money than the majority of people who work in traditional jobs. Despite the fact that it may be difficult at first, once you learn how to do it correctly, the profits will follow. For those of you who are interested in learning how to make money with SEO, here are 15 methods that will assist you in getting started today.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is perceived to be a lucrative activity by the majority of people, but it is rarely understood how to actually make money with SEO Checker, according to my observations. What frequently comes to mind is that you target a profitable keyword, achieve high rankings, attract a large number of visitors, and then sell them whatever it is that they are looking for on your website. The use of this approach, however, raises two significant concerns.

First and foremost, all of your competitors are focusing their efforts on those exact lucrative keywords, and there is only one #1 position available. For the second time, when people search online, the vast majority of the time they are not looking to make a purchase right away. As a result, anyone who focuses solely on those instant-purchase keywords will miss out on the vast majority of searches and, consequently, revenue. SEO, on the other hand, continues to be a lucrative business for anyone looking to make money online. And, once you’ve mastered the art of making money online through SEO, you’ll have a better understanding of how this massive online machine operates.

Where do you begin when there are so many options? My recommendation is to continue to network and be on the lookout for new opportunities. In many cases, you can combine your SEO knowledge with other interests such as public speaking, hobbies, or product niches. This is the beauty of many of these strategies. It is more likely that your content or product will succeed if you are genuinely enthusiastic about what you are doing.


#1. Make Money With SEO: Sell Directly to the Customer


Make Money With SEO

When it comes to making money with SEO, this is the most straightforward method. You achieve first-page ranking for a keyword for which people are actively looking to purchase something. If you’re good enough to accomplish this, people who click through to your website will immediately spend their money on your products. It is exactly what I stated above that is problematic about this approach. Search engine optimization is known as the “low hanging fruit,” and as a result, the majority of entrepreneurs attempt to use this specific technique.

As a result, you’ll face the most intense competition for these keywords, making it extremely difficult to rank in them. Not to mention the fact that the majority of online searches do not include these specific keywords. As a result, if you rely solely on this technique to monetize SEO, you will not only have slim chances of ranking at all, but you will also miss out on the vast majority of opportunities to attract visitors to your site.

#2. How To Make Money With SEO: Create An Email List


I’ve discovered that this is the most profitable way to make money with SEO in the long run. You create a “authority site,” which is a website that covers every possible keyword in your field. It will be easier to rank in general this way, and you will receive visitors for thousands of keywords as a result. Then you must be patient and refrain from attempting to sell to them directly, as they are primarily interested in gathering information. Popups, on the other hand, can help you sign up as many as 3-6 per cent of your visitors.

Then, as a next step, you must set up an email sequence and begin sending out emails on a regular basis, with the goal of making sales from those emails. Using thousands of keywords in a niche, you can reach thousands or even millions of people if you learn how to do so effectively. And always remember that it is always other people who provide you with money, not Google or any other online platform. The most difficult task is always figuring out how to reach a sufficient number of people. Making money after you’ve attracted a large number of people is much simpler than most people would expect it to be.

If you truly want to make money online, you must learn to guide your visitors through a series of steps before offering them a product or service.


#3. How To Make Money With SEO: Affiliate Marketing


Make Money With SEO

Affiliate marketing is a great strategy to create passive income using SEO. As an affiliate marketer, you have this ability to perform things on a regular basis. You might earn recurrent revenue over time, making it harder to outrank you. To replace you, someone would require a lot of traffic or affiliate competition in your niche. Keep that in mind when negotiating to promote another company’s product or service via SEO or blog content. But don’t advertise the wrong product. Make sure you research a product that has enough demand to rank high in Google or other search engines.

The more traffic and sales your domain receive, the more probable you are to make recurring income from just one purchase. Affiliate marketing increases revenue from leads and repeats sales. To earn more than you do with SEO, you must use affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing, blogging, authoring, and selling e-books on related themes are all ways to make money with SEO. You can also earn money by producing blog posts or articles on similar themes. Participating in forums that allow you to accept cash from clients who require your help ranking better on Search Engine Results Pages is also an option (SERP). Advertising is another way to make money with SEO art, and it pays for itself over time. It’s simple to place useful, non-intrusive, and non-offending advertising on your own blog or website.

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#4. How To Make Money With SEO: Create a Popular Blog


A high-traffic blog will allow you to earn more money because more people will visit your blog. The more visitors you get, the more affiliate commissions, display ads, and AdSense EPCs you can earn. SEO can help increase traffic. It’s vital to include keywords in your content that match your title for Google to rank you well. While Google ranking is difficult, SEO is very simple. You can rank by being dedicated, persistent, and a skilled writer. Slow down and learn from the best. You will eventually rank higher and make money. Having a high-traffic blog will help increase your SEO earnings as well as the quality of your links, which will increase your traffic.

Make Money With SEO

#5. How To Make Money With SEO: Sell SEO classes on the internet.


To attract people to buy your course, you’ll need a certain level of clout in the sector, similar to the seminars. To obtain the reach needed to offer courses online, I spent YEARS creating a blog, YouTube channel, networking, and speaking at conferences. My training has now earned over $1,000,000 in sales (see my guide on how I sold my link building course for over $182K).

a screenshot of PayPal taken from one of my training sessions If you don’t have the time to create a comprehensive course, a paid newsletter, Facebook Group, or Slack Channel is all viable options for monetizing your information. For a monthly subscription, my business partner (Nick Eubanks) controls Traffic Think Tank, a private Slack channel that offers you direct access to some of the world’s greatest marketing minds.


#6. How To Make Money With SEO: Write For Others Blogs


Writing is a skill that can be developed without relying on Google. It would be great if you could put your work on their blog. Freelance writing has been around for a long time and is still profitable today. All you need is talent, devotion, and innovation. If you establish this business, the sky is the limit. What a terrific idea! Don’t be discouraged if you get rejected by several sites at first. It’s a competitive industry, so expect rejection, but also satisfaction after completing the project. I’ve produced articles for others and can’t complain because it’s helped me keep afloat in my online marketing career. Writing for other blogs builds credibility and knowledge. Write amazing blogs to attract a large audience. After that, it’s like starting a marketing campaign that keeps getting better and better.

To become an effective SEO copywriter, you must be consistent. Making money with SEO by writing for others is a great method for a newcomer to get started right away. Getting work from clients takes skill and experience because the industry is already flooded with people trying to write blogs. Once you have done enough research throughout your apprenticeship years, writing for others will allow you to flourish later in life. It should go without saying, but I will say it anyway: stay devoted to your career path as an SEO copywriter.

While it’s acceptable to do things for fun, you should also be savvy enough to do business when the opportunity arises. Clients have paid me well over $1,000 for great SEO articles because they knew I was in demand. I gave them exactly what they wanted and moved on to other ventures that paid more. Write great content and sell it straight to clients who need someone like you. Most freelancers earn a living by creating high-quality content.

#6. How To Make Money With SEO: Keyword Selling


Another option to generate money with SEO is to simply ask people to look at a certain set of keywords related to their business. Create specific keywords that your target audience will utilise on search engines like Google and Bing. Once you’ve identified folks actively seeking such keywords, approach them with offers to buy the rights to use them on their websites. This is a significant keyword selling technique because it has several advantages. First, you simply created money. Second, you may now rank on any search engine for keywords related to your niche without having to compete with everyone else selling similar things online. Keyword marketing can be lucrative if done correctly.

Find the best tools to help you do rival keyword research to save time and effort. Then sell those same rights to someone else trying to rank their website for specific niche terms. These persons may utilise keywords in blog posts to promote their websites, but they may not have paid for the right to use them. However, if you bought these rights from Google Adwords first, you could resell them and profit. It’s a terrific method because it eliminates the need to spend hours or days researching low competition keywords. While it may be difficult at first, it will soon become routine.

The finest element of this method is that it is not confined to niche keywords. All you need to do is learn a few keywords and use an efficient tool to see which ones have large search traffic. With over $100 billion spent annually on paid advertising, offering keyword resale services or even monthly keyword subscriptions is certainly profitable.

#7. How To Make Money With SEO: Engagement



This strategy is simple but effective. Find pages with strong activity on your competitors’ websites and create comparable pages or add good comments to existing pages. This is also where you will create photographs for Pinterest and follow accounts on Twitter that will be interested in what you write about. This will enhance visitors to your page and thus earnings. Website involvement is now one of the finest methods to profit from SEO. It’s a terrific way to make money, and you must apply watermarks to prevent image theft. Join communities interested in the same things and blog about them as an expert.

Original material online will increase traffic to your page. Like Google, our SEO methods are continually evolving. As Google+ is currently the most popular social media platform, it makes sense for SEO specialists to build groups on this network where they can market themselves and their products or services, increasing traffic to their websites.

As an SEO professional, you should use Google Authorship to increase the visibility of your blog entries and thus traffic. Adding relevant keywords is critical for every website since it will increase traffic if potential visitors can find it through search engines. Instead of posting about “top SEO tips,” write about “10 easy ways to generate money with SEO.” Use an author box from someone you’ve quoted. This one is obvious. Just add a link to them at the bottom. All of these tactics will help you increase website engagement.

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#8. How To Make Money With SEO: Web Design


You should only do this if you know how to maintain a website or a digital product. Profit via affiliate marketing, coaching, or product creation. I suggest you join web design forums to learn more about how to improve your website’s searchability. Ensure you have a decent host. When you master web design, you can also master web hosting. Selling web hosting services online can be profitable if you have the knowledge and tools. For people to buy from you, you will need to sell them. Do this only if you know what you’re doing.

If not, keep blogging and supporting others on forums. To make more money with web hosting, you must also offer good prices. You must compete with other hosting companies. Have your item. If you want to profit from this business, do your homework. You’ll need to understand SEO and what things consumers desire to buy online nowadays. Reading posts on basic keyword research tactics is a fantastic place to start looking for an SEO-friendly topic or subject.


#9. How To Make Money With SEO: Sell Application Programming Interface Access


If you are an advanced SEO specialist with lots of resources, you may sell API access with specified keywords. This is appropriate if you are ranking for highly competitive keywords with high daily search volume. Users can quickly add these tools to their websites without having to learn any computer languages or scripts. Find companies using these applications and sell them permission to use them on their website.

This allows you to earn money through sales commissions, monthly fees, and renewals. If a business employs your SEO software, they will keep coming back for updates. Affiliate marketing organisations like Clickbank sell everything from website templates to e-book authoring programmes. The benefit of this strategy is that it can produce a passive income stream for you through constant website visitors, which in turn drives more purchases from the same person or firm.

#10. How To Make Money With SEO: Create an Online Community Of Bloggers


Blogging has become a part of life for the majority of people, whether it be for personal or professional purposes. It is an excellent method of gaining immediate attention from those who are interested in reading your articles that have been published at a specific spot through their individual blogs. Because blog entries are frequently updated on a regular basis, search engines consider blogs to be high-quality sites that should be ranked highly on search engine results pages.


#11. How To Make Money With SEO: Monitoring Major Social Networks and Forums


If you didn’t know, search engines constantly scan large social networks, forums, and other internet platforms to assess how popular certain websites are. Even if you have a strong web presence, you may miss out on huge possibilities to be seen by Google since nobody knows who you are. Having a solid social media marketing strategy might help you acquire some basic exposure before you start working on SEO.

Keeping an eye on social media will help you win the Google SEO war. Google+ is a relatively young social network, but it is one of the most vital to win in terms of SEO. So why should you care? Aside from the large number of active members who constantly check the stream, Google favours links from this network. They also utilise it to link postings to external web pages. In other words, linking your G+ profile to your website’s home page and any other pages is critical.

#12. How To Make Money With SEO: Ensure Online Presence


It goes without saying that if no one knows about your site, you will never make a living from SEO. To succeed in this industry, you need a well-designed website with a blog and other social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter. Search engines don’t care how much you know or what material you have on your site unless you can prove that people are using your services due to your great online presence. To do this, make sure your site appears in SERPs for relevant searches relating to your content and services.

#13. How To Make Money With SEO: Moderating Forums


Forums are a great place to learn about SEO and get expert assistance. Post real stuff that will attract people. These forums allow you to connect with like-minded people and debate any topic. Just moderate these forums to keep spammers out of your talks. A forum takes effort, but it pays off handsomely when fueled by SEO, which marketing professionals aim for. While creating and moderating forums can be difficult at first, you will become an expert once you have built a few. This is why you should create new forums, but keep moderation as your top focus. Before beginning any SEO project, check to see if there are any current directories displaying sites related to the subject, or even a directory of product review websites that may be optimised using SEO strategies.

Once you’ve found it, make a profile on these directories and blogs. To maximise traffic from these high-authority directories, make sure your site’s information is correct and current. Finding a decent forum to moderate is a wonderful start for SEO. Doing so will ensure that the traffic from these high-authority blogs and directories is long-term profitable.


#14. How To Make Money With SEO: Translate Websites and Blogs

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If your language’s website lacks an SEO specialist, consider translating it using online translation from or Google Translation.

Dare to start and improve your SEO skills to compete with the best. In order to make money using SEO, you must identify a website or blog that lacks readership. Using translation services to gain money with SEO is doable, and there are numerous sites like this online. As these websites become ready for translation into additional languages, you need to start scanning them to increase your marketing income.


#14. How To Make Money With SEO: Dropshipping on your website


The poor margins are my main concern about dropshipping. You only make 10% net of your sales, so you need a lot of visitors to make a lot of money. Dropshipping is a more passive income approach than a regular ecommerce company if you are willing to sacrifice profits for less effort. Finding a reliable manufacturer that can deliver high quality goods on time is essential to a successful dropshipping business. The opposite is also true.




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