Personalize Digital Customer Service

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7 Innovative Ways to Personalize Digital Customer Service

The recent health crises had a significant impact on the economy and companies. The global lockdowns disrupted customer contact. At the same time, they offered brands an excellent opportunity to innovate and deliver personalized interactions. Today, brands strive to deepen online personalized customer service by leveraging call center omnichannel solutions. In their innovation management program, businesses use open feedback channels like loyalty programs, QR codes, digitized suggestion boxes, quizzes, and surveys to collect customer preference data. After that, they analyze data to understand what their customers want.

Personalize Digital Customer Service Source: Pixabay

And, they proceed to use the insight to develop and deliver products or services, or use it to personalize offers. McKinsey & Company’s Next Personalization 2021 Report shows that over 71% of customers expect businesses to deliver personalized interactions. But what happens when companies fail to tailor their experience to customer needs and preferences? The report confirms that over 76% of customers get frustrated and abandon such brands. The report continues to say that the fastest-growing companies generate 40% of their revenue by offering personalized customer service. Therefore, brands must create a winning digital innovation experience strategy to remain relevant and profitable. Here are seven effective and innovative ways to personalize digital customer service to help increase your brand loyalty and revenue.

Customer Loyalty Program

Besides adopting an omnichannel contact center to personalize digital customer service, smart companies use loyalty programs to keep their brand relevant. Customer loyalty programs can be simple and straightforward, but businesses should add value to their customers’ purchases. Businesses can use loyalty programs to provide personalized experiences to their loyal and best customers. Rewarding your customers eliminates the perception that they’re just eyeballs that you target with your ads. Providing people with extras or exclusive benefits helps them to save money. Getting rewarded for buying from your business keeps your brand at the top of their mind.

Omnichannel Support

A customer can contact a brand through phone, email, chat, SMS, social media, etc. On the other hand, brands level technology to provide seamless and unified customer service across these channels. They use call center omnichannel support to meet their customers wherever they are and offer them needed help. An effective omnichannel customer service team understands that speed is vital to any customer, especially those seeking assistance via emails and SMS. As a result, contact center agents should strive to respond to customers as fast as possible, even when there are many inquiries from multiple communication channels.

Gamify the Customer Journey

Gamification turns dull or regular activities into fun, interactive experiences. Brands add gamified elements to improve their customers’ pre and post-purchase experience. Such efforts can keep your customers engaged with your brand even when you want them to pay a bill, fill out a survey, or do other menial tasks. An excellent example is adding gamified elements to your website or mobile app and encouraging users to play games and earn points or rewards. These activities keep your customers engaged and motivate them to return.

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Nurture a Customer-First Culture

Companies operating during this digital era build their customer-first strategy from the top down. That means the executive leaders prioritize customers and train their teams to put customers first. Communicating those values across the company creates a culture centered on customer success and delight. A customer-first culture coupled with the best omnichannel platforms is a great way to personalize digital customer service. Attempting to nurture a unique corporate culture without investing in cloud contact center software and integrating it with intuitive innovation management software can frustrate your agents. The lack of creative digital spaces deters your customer service representatives from doing what it takes to delight your customers. A customer-first culture helps brands in the following ways:

  • Provide timely communication
  • Increase customer outcomes
  • Reduce the attrition rate

Use High-Quality Customer Support

Personalize Digital Customer Service Source: Pexels Brands use customer service to acquire customers. A call center omnichannel support team that provides high-quality customer experience helps their business reach new and retain existing customers. Customers are ready to pay more for your products when they receive excellent customer service. Forbes stated that in almost all industries, 58% of customers are willing to buy a product that costs a little more as long as they receive excellent customer service. So, your team should provide better customer support than your competition because this gives you another marketing tool to attract new leads.

Invest in Powerful Customer Service Tools

Brands work tirelessly to grow their customer base. But the more customers they get, the more pressure their customer service team will have. Initially, your team will offer the same quality of service across multiple channels. But they will struggle to maintain it as you acquire more customers. As a result, one brand might opt to hire more representatives while another might consider an omnichannel contact center. Integrating software and tools can help you automate tasks, enhance collaboration, and manage queues in your contact centers. Customer service tools support your team’s workflow. They provide the same quality of service across multiple channels, and also meet your customers’ timely expectations.

Speak Your Customers’ Language

Customers can approach your business for various reasons, such as looking for advice, troubleshooting, etc. But the right solutions rely on real-time call center omnichannel interaction histories. A company should tailor its solutions to customers’ communication styles and channel preferences. Here are two ways to personalize your customers’ service and speak their language:

Scale up Your Self-service

A section of your customers may be satisfied with the answers they receive via a chatbot. You can enhance their digital customer service experience by providing information such as interactive troubleshooting tips.

Highlight Resources

Some customers might be content with your online services. But such customers might be more appreciative and loyal to your brand when you share co-browsing or video chat to help them understand problem-solving steps or to highlight your resources.

Final Thoughts

Personalized digital customer service is a good customer acquisition tool. Tailoring customer experiences across call center omnichannel platforms help brands to remain relevant in the market and adapt to ever-changing consumer tastes. Each person has a unique preference, but your business must understand individual needs because failure to do so can cause them to think you’re uncaring. Your business needs an omnichannel contact center, a customer-first corporate culture, and tools to provide ultra-personalized customer support. Thankfully, we’ve discussed the seven innovative ways that can help you personalize digital customer service, build a strong brand, and generate more revenue.

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