7 Reasons To Choose WordPress For Website Development

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 Major 7 Reasons To Choose WordPress For Website Development

The list of WordPress benefits for website development is endless. This CMS platform offers a lot making it a popular choice among individuals and businesses alike. We have outlined the 7 advantages of WordPress that make it widely used and an ideal solution for website development. reasons to choose WordPress for website development

WordPress has emerged as the preferred choice for millions of websites worldwide, as indicated by recent statistics from the W3Techs report. According to the report, WordPress powers around 43.2% of websites and has a 62.8% market share, higher than any other CMS platform. Are you curious to know the reasons behind WordPress’s high popularity? In this article, we have outlined the seven major benefits of WordPress that make it a widely adopted platform for website development.

Major 7 Advantages Of Using WordPress For Website Development

It is a user-friendly platform

WordPress does not demand you to be technically proficient until you do not have any complex website development requirements. The intuitive design of the platform makes it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. Even beginners can quickly learn to use the platform and create content without extensive technical knowledge or website development skills. This CMS platform offers a simple interface that allows users to easily publish content, manage pages, install plugins for added functionality, and customize the design with themes.

While WordPress is designed to be user-friendly, technical expertise will still be required during more advanced website customization or addressing troubleshooting issues. Users may encounter situations where they need to edit code, configure server settings, or troubleshoot compatibility issues between themes and plugins. In such instances, if you lack technical expertise, you may be required to hire a WordPress developer to implement custom functionality.

WordPress is free

There is no fee attached to WordPress; just download the software and use it without any installation costs. Its source code is freely accessible for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. This collaborative approach allows developers globally to contribute to its improvement and expansion without any cost. However, while the WordPress software itself is free, there may still be associated costs depending on the specific needs and goals of the user. Here’s a breakdown of additional expenses that users may have to incur –

  • Users need to purchase hosting services to make their websites accessible on the internet. Although free options exist, they often come with limitations in terms of storage, bandwidth, and customization.
  • Purchasing a domain name is essential to establish an online presence.
  • In addition to the availability of free themes and plugins, users may choose to purchase premium themes or plugins to access advanced features, better design options, or dedicated support.
  • Some users may opt to hire WordPress experts, designers, or consultants to help them set up, customize, or optimize their WordPress websites. This incurs additional costs but can save time and ensure a high-quality result.
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WordPress sites rank higher

WordPress sites often have inherent advantages in SEO. The platform generates clean code & structured markup and provides options for optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs. Additionally, WordPress offers various plugins (like Yoast SEO and All in One SEO Pack) designed specifically for SEO optimization.

Furthermore, WordPress offers frequent updates to improve security, performance, and SEO capabilities. This ensures that websites built on the platform remain up-to-date with the latest SEO best practices. While these benefits make the process easier, SEO optimization is still necessary for maximizing visibility and performance. Users may need to implement strategies like keyword research, content optimization, link building, and monitoring performance metrics to achieve and maintain high search rankings.

WordPress is flexible

Originally developed for blogging purposes, WordPress has now evolved into a versatile platform. It is capable of powering any type of website, whether it’s a personal blog, an online store, a corporate website, or any other custom project. This CMS platform allows businesses to begin with tailored goals and expand gradually. Here’s how WordPress proves its flexibility –

  • There is a vast array of themes and plugins that allow users to customize their site’s appearance and incorporate functionalities, such as contact forms and eCommerce capabilities.
  • WordPress can accommodate websites of all sizes and handle increasing amounts of traffic and content with ease.

Despite these advantages, the growth of your WordPress website may require additional measures like optimized hosting, caching solutions, content delivery networks (CDNs), and database optimization. While the platform offers scalability to a certain extent, considering WordPress development Services from a professional developer is still essential to identify and address potential bottlenecks and ensure your website can handle long-term goals.

Offers plenty of community support

WordPress is backed by a vast community of users, developers, designers, and support forums. This means that if you encounter any issues or have questions about using WordPress, you can easily find answers, tutorials, and documentation to resolve all your queries. The community support for WordPress is beneficial in several ways –

  • Diverse perspectives – With a large and diverse user base, the community offers various perspectives and insights. It can be valuable for troubleshooting or optimizing WordPress websites.
  • Cost-effective solutions – Access to free WordPress resources like taking support from the community can help users save on costs and time associated with hiring WordPress experts for basic aspects (such as minor troubleshooting, website setup, and content management) of WordPress website development.
  • Continuous learning – Engaging with WordPress professionals allows users to stay updated on the latest trends, techniques, and best practices in website design, development, and management.

While the huge community support of WordPress reduces the need to hire professionals to some extent, seeking WordPress development services from an experienced developer may still be necessary in certain cases such as complex customization needs, performance optimization, handling security, and others.

WordPress Provides A Robust Ecommerce Solution

WooCommerce, a WordPress plugin, is specifically designed for creating fully functional and feature-rich online stores. Irrespective of your business size, you can leverage WooCommerce’s potential to cater to your eCommerce store needs. WooCommerce allows users to add products to their eStore, manage inventory, set pricing and discounts, integrate various payment methods, and handle shipping options. The key features of WooCommerce include –

  • User-friendly interface – Like WordPress, WooCommerce also comes with a friendly interface that makes it accessible to users with limited technical expertise.
  • Product management WooCommerce lets users easily add, edit, and organize products within their online store. Users can specify product details, such as pricing, inventory levels, variations, and more.
  • Payment integration – WooCommerce supports a wide range of payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, Square, and major credit cards. Additionally, it offers extensions to integrate additional payment options into your online store.
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WordPress updates frequently

The WordPress development team, along with contributors and the global community, releases updates frequently. The updates are distributed through the WordPress dashboard which allows users to easily install them with just a few clicks. This regular updating cycle is highly beneficial to users for several reasons:

  • Security – Keeping WordPress up-to-date helps protect websites from security vulnerabilities and potential hacking attempts.
  • Address bugs and issues – WordPress updates may help to improve your site’s performance by reducing the likelihood of errors, crashes, or compatibility issues with themes and plugins.
  • New features – Regular updates introduce new features like user interface enhancements, fresh themes and plugins, new API tools, block editor improvements, and many more.

The regular WordPress updates demonstrate a commitment to ongoing improvement and maintenance of the platform. This addresses user needs and thus makes WordPress a reliable and future-proof choice for website development.

Concluding thoughts

While we have covered the fundamental benefits of WordPress, the list is endless. This CMS platform offers a vast array of functionalities that can cater to the diverse website development needs of users. From its intuitive interface to its extensive library of themes, WordPress stands as a versatile solution for website development, but it is crucial to assess its potential first to make an informed decision.


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