Demanding Freelance Jobs

48 min read

25+ Best Freelance Jobs in demand now (2023)

The landscape of work is undergoing a significant transformation, and there’s no doubt about it. Given the uncertainties we’ve faced in recent years, many individuals are increasingly interested in taking charge of their financial future. Consequently, online freelance opportunities are capturing the attention of many.

More people than ever before are either launching new businesses or exploring freelance careers. This path offers the allure of working from home or any location of choice, setting one’s own schedule, and potentially earning more income. What’s particularly appealing is that all you truly need are marketable skills, a computer, a reliable internet connection, and the ability to manage your own time. In essence, you can work from virtually anywhere. Furthermore, if you possess specialized skills, the earning potential can be quite enticing. Freelance professionals are in high demand, and once you’ve established your presence, you may find yourself juggling multiple clients and needing to set boundaries.

What is a freelance job?

A freelance job is a type of work that can be performed from any location in the world, provided you have access to a computer, relevant skills, and a reasonable internet connection. It constitutes a form of self-employment where an individual enters into a contractual arrangement with a company or organization to complete specific tasks or projects. Freelancers undertake these contract-based assignments without committing to full-time employment, allowing them to work either part-time or full-time as per their preferences. Typically, freelancers enter into agreements with clients before commencing any project, outlining the terms and expectations.

In the realm of freelancing, compensation is based on the terms defined in the agreement or contract. Clients may pay freelancers on a per-project, per-task, hourly, or weekly basis, depending on the nature of the work and the terms negotiated. While freelance work often involves short-term projects, some freelancers establish long-term partnerships with individuals or companies, consistently handling specific types of work over an extended period.

Freelance opportunities span a wide range of skills, services, and creative endeavors, making it a versatile and dynamic field where individuals can leverage their expertise to offer valuable services to clients and organizations.

How to find a freelance job?

19 Highest-Paying Freelance Jobs in 2023 | Upwork

Freelance job opportunities can be discovered through a variety of channels, with referrals and networking being valuable starting points. It’s often beneficial to focus on companies and organizations that are recognized for hiring freelancers, as they can provide a steady stream of freelance work. Additionally, freelance job listings can be found in both online and print formats.

Online platforms such as LinkedIn, UpWork, Fiverr, Freelancer., and Craigslist are popular and effective platforms for locating freelance opportunities. However, before embarking on your job search, it’s essential to establish a robust portfolio and a well-crafted resume that highlights your skills and qualifications. Once you’ve prepared these assets, you can search for freelance jobs that align with your expertise and interests on various online job boards.


Best and highest paying freelance jobs 2023

The surge in popularity of online freelance jobs can be attributed to two key factors. For freelancers, it offers the opportunity to live life on their terms, providing flexibility and the sense of security that comes from being in complete control of their career trajectory. The pandemic brought about significant disruptions, with many companies, particularly in sectors like hospitality, facing closures or downsizing. This compelled workers to explore alternative ways of working and living.

Additionally, there has been a substantial shift towards hiring freelancers across a broad spectrum of businesses, both small and large. Solopreneurs and startups turn to freelancers to tap into specialized skills they may not have in-house. Large corporations also embrace freelancers as a means to bolster their teams, while simultaneously sidestepping the time and resource-intensive process of recruiting, hiring, and training full-time employees.

So, if you’ve been contemplating the idea of launching a freelance business, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled a list of the top 10 most sought-after and highest-paying freelance jobs that are currently in demand. If you possess some of these skills, you’re already more than halfway to embarking on your freelancing journey. Are you ready to kickstart your freelance business?

Here is a compilation of the top 25 Plus freelance jobs that are currently in high demand and offer attractive compensation


1.Website Design and Development

People Working in front of the Computer · Free Stock Photo

Given the burgeoning e-commerce sector, businesses of all sizes seek an online presence through websites, leading to a robust demand for skilled web designers. Web designers collaborate with individuals and business entities to plan, design, and code websites across various industry niches. Freelance web design stands out due to its wide-ranging applicability across numerous industries worldwide. It’s a multi-disciplinary profession that requires not only design knowledge but also website development skills. As a freelance web designer, your responsibilities encompass building and maintaining high-quality websites, aiding clients in theme and content management system selection, and maintaining code integrity while integrating design elements like graphics and banners.

Web design and development remain enduringly sought-after freelance skills. Freelance developers can specialize in front-end, back-end, or full-stack development. Front-end development deals with the visible and interactive aspects of a website, while back-end developers focus on the behind-the-scenes functionality, often tackling troubleshooting and bug fixing. Full-stack developers possess a comprehensive skill set encompassing both front-end and back-end capabilities. As a successful website gains recognition, more clients seek your services. Web designers, on the other hand, concentrate primarily on crafting visually appealing user interfaces, commonly known as web pages and app screens. Proficiency in front-end coding languages is essential, but this role also demands creative thinking and a keen eye for design.

Web designers assist clients in tailoring websites to meet specific requirements, including the potential update of existing sites. This profession is ideal for individuals with a blend of creative and technical expertise, capable of creating top-notch web pages and other website elements. Proficiency in specific programming languages (such as JavaScript, Python, or SQL) may be necessary to handle diverse projects. Additionally, mastery of relevant software and UX design tools, like Adobe XD, might be required.

Web developers utilize their advanced coding skills to create the code that governs website functionality. The most coveted freelance opportunities typically require expertise in front-end, back-end, or full-stack web development. Front-end developers concentrate on the visual design and user experience, while back-end specialists manage the hidden infrastructure and administrative aspects invisible to users. To find high-paying web development projects, explore current listings on platforms like Upwork.

Graphic design is a valuable marketable skill with applications spanning marketing, advertising, reports, catalogs, brochures, newsletters, business cards, websites, product packaging, outdoor signage, trade show booths, and beyond. Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite (particularly Photoshop and Illustrator) and fundamental pre-press knowledge is essential. While many graphic designers hold degrees or certificates, practical experience is equally valuable. Becoming Adobe Certified can enhance your appeal to certain clients, though your portfolio and demonstrated skills often carry more weight. A robust portfolio, a diverse skill set, and one or more specializations can significantly boost your career prospects.

Graphic design involves the visual communication of ideas or messages through illustrations, typography, and photography. Graphic designers amalgamate images, symbols, and text to convey ideas visually and determine the overall design and layout of various business applications. Freelance graphic designers can assist clients in crafting captivating logos, corporate materials, or website branding elements. They can also specialize in various mediums, such as advertisements, magazines, and graphical reports. Demand for graphic designers remains consistent, making it one of the best freelance opportunities available.

In many ways, freelance web development is an outstanding career choice. Numerous individuals and companies seek assistance with their websites, whether it’s revamping existing pages, handling maintenance, or introducing new elements. This role entails writing code for website setups that result in fully functional web spaces. Web developers are responsible for developing, maintaining, and scaling clients’ websites to meet specific requirements. Becoming a freelance web developer is generally straightforward, requiring a computer with the necessary software and a reliable internet connection. Beyond that, a strong skill set is imperative for success.”

2. Virtual assistant

Virtual assistant Stock Photos, Royalty Free Virtual assistant Images | Depositphotos

“Are you highly organized, efficient, and skilled in using productivity software? If so, a freelance virtual assistant (VA) job could be an ideal fit for you. Most VAs are compensated on an hourly basis, with earnings typically ranging from $15 to $25 per hour or more, depending on the client’s specific needs and the expertise required. The tasks assigned to virtual assistants are diverse and can encompass managing email correspondence, making phone calls, data entry, bookkeeping, conducting research, handling social media accounts, content creation, organizing travel arrangements, or scheduling appointments. Virtual assistant roles serve as an excellent entry point into the world of freelancing. While having a broad skill set can increase the value of your services, it’s not necessarily a prerequisite for starting out. What’s crucial is being tech-savvy, responsive, reliable, and capable of working efficiently. Many individuals seeking VAs have specific projects they need assistance with and lack the time to tackle them personally. The more adaptable and proficient you are, the more indispensable you become to your clients. Exceptional VAs can quickly dive into tasks and accomplish a substantial amount of work within a short timeframe.

If you’re in search of one of the top remote freelance opportunities, consider becoming a virtual assistant. This role is particularly well-suited for those without specialized skills who desire the flexibility of working from home. Typically, the job responsibilities align with those of an executive assistant. Virtual assistants carry out a variety of everyday tasks, such as composing and sending emails, gathering data, or conducting online research on market trends. Business owners, entrepreneurs, and managers enlist the services of virtual assistants to aid them in handling tasks like responding to emails and arranging meetings or appointments from a remote location. In most cases, the primary distinction is that you’ll be working from home, focusing solely on computer-based tasks, and may assist multiple clients instead of serving a single company.

Clients engage virtual assistants to undertake various administrative responsibilities, including data entry, calendar management, and email correspondence management. These professionals may also handle errands on behalf of their clients, such as reserving restaurant tables, scheduling medical appointments, or making purchases. These services enable busy clients, especially small business owners, to concentrate on their day-to-day operations. Most virtual assistants interact directly with clients or connect with them through freelance platforms.”

A virtual assistant can earn between $10 and $20 per hour performing wide-ranging administrative duties on Upwork.

3. Freelance Writer

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The digital landscape offers an abundance of opportunities for those seeking freelance writing jobs. If you possess the qualities of being skilled, efficient, and reliable, you’ll find a continuous stream of freelance work at your disposal. This is especially true if you possess expertise in specialized areas such as technology, marketing, cryptocurrency/blockchain, or sales. However, even if you don’t have specific skills in these niches, you can still embark on a successful freelance writing career. All you need is a willingness to learn and a knack for efficient online research using search engines like Google.

One of the most appealing aspects of pursuing writing as an online freelance job is that it doesn’t necessitate a substantial investment in equipment or resources to get started. Basic tools like Microsoft Word or G-Suite are more than sufficient for creating and delivering your work. The beauty of freelance writing is that it provides you with the flexibility to work from virtually anywhere, be it the comfort of your home, while traveling, or wherever your adventurous spirit takes you.

When it comes to potential earnings, different niches within freelance writing offer varying compensation rates. For instance, technical or medical writing tends to command higher pay rates due to their specialized nature. However, there are also ample opportunities to earn a decent income by writing blogs or crafting website content. The key to success in freelance writing lies in your ability to consistently produce high-quality content, meet deadlines, and adapt your writing style to cater to the needs and preferences of your clients.

In essence, freelance writing is a versatile and accessible online career that opens doors to a wealth of opportunities. Whether you are an expert in a specific field or a quick learner willing to delve into new subjects, the world of freelance writing is ready to welcome you.

4. Editor

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Freelance editing is a highly rewarding gig for individuals who possess a strong command of the English language, including grammar, spelling, and writing style. It presents a multitude of opportunities for those who excel at proofreading and copyediting articles crafted by other writers. Even if your ultimate aspiration is to secure freelance writing jobs, starting your freelance journey with editing can be a wise move. The art of editing goes beyond mere copyediting and can encompass a wide range of responsibilities.

In the world of freelance editing, online publishers often seek editors to oversee projects such as e-books, magazines, and various publications. If you have previous experience or possess a specialized degree in a particular niche, you can target potential clients within those domains. Editing assignments can vary significantly in nature, spanning the realms of both technical and creative writing. Some editing tasks may involve thorough research and fact-checking to ensure the accuracy and credibility of articles before publication.

One notable avenue within freelance editing that offers the potential for substantial earnings is the editing of product manuals and technical documentation. Such work demands a deep understanding of industry-specific terminology and a unique talent for translating intricate concepts into clear and easily comprehensible language. It’s a field where precision and clarity reign supreme, and editors who excel in this domain often find their skills in high demand.

The role of editors and proofreaders is integral to the editorial process, as they contribute to refining and enhancing written content to meet specific guidelines and maintain quality standards. Their tasks extend beyond correcting grammar and punctuation; they also evaluate the flow, style, and overall coherence of the text while verifying the accuracy of facts. The meticulous work of editors is essential for producing polished and error-free content across various mediums.

For those who possess a keen eye for detail and an innate ability to identify and rectify grammar and other issues, the freelance editing realm offers a plethora of opportunities. Platforms like Upwork provide easy access to high-paying freelance editing jobs, making it a viable career option for those with a passion for refining the written word.

5. School Teacher

Top Primary Teacher Interview Questions and Answers | Glassdoor Career Guides

The digital age has ushered in a wealth of online teaching opportunities, and these positions are accessible to individuals with or without formal teaching degrees or credentials. For those who possess teaching qualifications, the prospects are even more promising. The global shortage of teachers has created a thriving job market for educators of all backgrounds, and it’s highly likely that you’ll find a teaching position that aligns with your preferences and expertise.

Even if you lack a traditional teaching degree, numerous avenues are still open to you. The demand for English as a second language (ESL) teachers is particularly high, and this field often requires minimal prior teaching experience. In many instances, all that’s needed is a strong command of the English language and a level of comfort with online teaching technology. This accessibility makes ESL teaching an excellent entry point for those exploring online teaching opportunities.

Moreover, if you excel in subjects like mathematics, science, history, or any other academic discipline, online tutoring can be a lucrative and fulfilling path to consider. Typically, online tutoring doesn’t mandate specific certifications, although you may undergo a vetting process if your students are children. For those who wish to take their online tutoring career to the next level, numerous certifications and resources are available to enhance their expertise. The National Tutoring Association website offers a wealth of information, training resources, and opportunities for individuals aspiring to become certified tutors.

In essence, the online teaching landscape is teeming with diverse options and ample room for individuals with varying levels of teaching experience and qualifications. The global demand for educators continues to soar, making online teaching and tutoring attractive opportunities for those seeking to share their knowledge and make a positive impact on learners around the world.

6. Accountant/ Financial Consultant

Four Types of Financial Advisors | Britannica Money

Financial expertise holds a perennially high demand in the job market. Depending on your educational background and professional experience, a wide spectrum of financial job opportunities is at your fingertips. These roles range from handling daily bookkeeping tasks to specializing in tax accounting, business accounting, and even assuming fractional Chief Financial Officer (CFO) positions within organizations. Additionally, the world of financial consulting presents a compelling freelance niche, particularly if you have a track record of success or experience working with reputable financial institutions or possess a specialized skill set, such as expertise in real estate, insurance, or tax planning.

Freelancing as a financial consultant provides a versatile avenue for income generation. You can capitalize on seasonal surges in demand, such as during tax time, while concurrently working on establishing a regular online clientele. This approach ensures a steady and predictable income stream. By juggling multiple clients and strategically leveraging seasonal spikes in financial consulting, you can swiftly maximize your earning potential in the freelancing realm.

In essence, an accounting professional plays a pivotal role in maintaining and interpreting financial records for businesses. Their responsibilities encompass meticulous recordkeeping to ensure the accuracy of financial data, which is crucial for reporting and taxation purposes. Companies rely on accountants to furnish precise and well-structured financial information that aids in making informed decisions regarding business operations and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Furthermore, effective recordkeeping practices simplify the process of analyzing profits and losses, enhancing the financial health of organizations. Accountants often handle additional responsibilities, such as invoice preparation, payroll calculations, collaboration with auditors, and the analysis of operating budgets.

For those aspiring to embark on a freelance career as an accountant, there is a wealth of high-paying accounting projects awaiting exploration on platforms like Upwork. The freelance landscape offers numerous opportunities for financial professionals to leverage their expertise and contribute to the financial well-being of businesses and clients across diverse industries.

7. Accounting and Bookkeeping

Difference Between Bookkeeping and Accounting - Akaunting

Many online entrepreneurs and small business owners readily acknowledge that they often lack the necessary expertise to effectively manage their finances, and their budgets may not allow for the hiring of full-time financial professionals. This knowledge gap and budget constraint have created a thriving niche in the market for freelance bookkeepers and accountants who offer their services at more affordable rates. Freelance roles in accounting and bookkeeping encompass a range of crucial financial tasks, including processing financial data, preparing tax returns, and maintaining organized financial records. These professionals also assist clients with managing accounting documents, handling accounts receivable and accounts payable, and ensuring the smooth flow of financial information within a business.

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Bookkeepers are versatile professionals who operate across various industries, enabling businesses to maintain a clear and accurate financial trail. They play a pivotal role in overseeing the general ledger, meticulously recording all financial transactions, and generating financial statements and reports that guide sound financial decision-making. Having proficiency in accounting software can significantly enhance your appeal to potential clients, as it enables you to efficiently carry out the tasks required in the freelance bookkeeping and accounting realm.

Despite the availability of numerous accounting software tools, the freelance era continues to rely on accountants to provide essential guidance on complex matters such as deductions and tax codes. This ongoing need for expert insights keeps freelance accountants and bookkeepers in high demand, making this a lucrative and sought-after freelance career path.

The freelance bookkeeping and accounting niche thrives on the premise that businesses, especially small enterprises, require professional financial support but may not have the resources to employ full-time staff. Freelancers in this field step in to bridge this gap, offering cost-effective financial solutions that help businesses maintain financial clarity and compliance while ensuring sound financial decision-making.

8. Social Media Specialist

Social Media Strategist Job Description [+2023 TEMPLATE]

Every company recognizes the significance of maintaining a robust online presence. However, managing and nurturing this presence can be a time-consuming endeavor, and not all organizations have the luxury of an in-house marketing team to handle this crucial task. If you possess a knack for navigating social media platforms, the ability to craft compelling posts, and find fulfillment in witnessing the tangible results of your efforts, then embarking on a freelance career in social media marketing could be the perfect fit for you.

A freelance social media marketing role encompasses a diverse skill set. Beyond crafting engaging posts, professionals in this field often delve into ad creation, analytics tracking, and direct engagement with a brand’s audience. Depending on the specific job, you might be tasked with maintaining key performance indicators (KPIs) such as monitoring engagement levels, tracking conversions, and steadily building the brand’s online audience. Alternatively, your focus may center more on content creation, where you work collaboratively with a team to produce captivating and shareable content that resonates with the target audience.

To secure freelance social media specialist jobs, it’s advisable to construct a compelling online portfolio that showcases your skills and past work samples. Equally important is highlighting your accomplishments, preferably with quantifiable metrics to substantiate your achievements. In the realm of social media, metrics and analytics play a pivotal role in assessing the impact of your efforts and fine-tuning strategies for optimum results. After all, social media marketing is intricately tied to measurable outcomes, making it essential to showcase your proficiency in this area.

In summary, freelance social media marketing is an enticing career path for individuals who possess the ability to harness the power of social media platforms to bolster a brand’s online presence. By showcasing your skills through an impressive online portfolio and backing up your achievements with concrete numbers, you can position yourself as a valuable asset in the ever-evolving world of social media marketing.

9. Social Media Management

Best Social Media Management Tools for 2023 [Tried & Tested] -

Social media has emerged as a formidable marketing tool, and a vast majority of companies and businesses recognize the value of enlisting the assistance of professionals to enhance their online engagement and interactions. However, this doesn’t necessarily translate into a need for full-time employees; many enterprises prefer the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of freelance social media managers who can adeptly facilitate meaningful connections with their audience.

In today’s landscape, companies and brands place paramount importance on establishing a robust online presence. This recognition drives them to seek out talented freelancers capable of orchestrating compelling and effective social media campaigns. As a freelance social media manager, your role revolves around overseeing a company’s social media profiles, actively engaging with followers, generating captivating posts and stories, and working to amplify audience interaction.

The freelance social media manager plays a pivotal role in crafting and executing strategies that captivate and resonate with the target audience. They respond to comments, curate content that aligns with the brand’s identity, and continually strive to enhance engagement metrics. For individuals with a knack for social media management, this freelance role presents an appealing opportunity to contribute significantly to a brand’s online presence and success.

The role of a freelance social media manager is to serve as the driving force behind a company’s social media endeavors, nurturing and expanding its online community. As businesses increasingly understand the value of this role, talented freelancers find themselves in high demand, making this a rewarding and impactful freelance career path for those proficient in managing social media platforms.

10. Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager Job Description (With Examples) – Forbes Advisor

Leveraging social media as a marketing tool has proven to be a highly lucrative approach for businesses aiming to promote their products and services directly to their target audiences. In this digital age, the role of social media managers has become increasingly vital for brands seeking to harness the power of these platforms to enhance lead generation and engage with their customers effectively.

Freelance social media managers occupy a unique position in this landscape. They have the flexibility to collaborate with multiple brands simultaneously, assisting them in formulating and executing comprehensive marketing strategies tailored to their respective goals. Whether it’s devising a content calendar, optimizing ad campaigns, or enhancing engagement tactics, freelance social media managers are instrumental in ensuring that businesses maximize their online presence and impact across various social media platforms.

Clients who enlist the services of freelance social media managers typically expect more than just routine posting. They rely on these professionals to provide expert advice and guidance on content generation, targeting specific demographics, and tailoring messaging to resonate with their audience effectively. Social media managers must demonstrate a nuanced understanding of different social media channels, keeping abreast of their evolving trends and algorithms to devise strategies that yield the best results.

The role of a freelance social media manager is multi-faceted and dynamic. It involves not only managing social media accounts but also serving as a strategic partner in helping businesses navigate the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing. By offering expert guidance and implementing effective strategies, freelance social media managers play a pivotal role in driving brand success and customer engagement in the digital era.

11. Digital Marketing

Introduction to Digital Marketing | Find out how to get started - FutureLearn

Businesses of all sizes are increasingly making their presence felt online. As a result, the field of digital marketing has emerged as one of the most sought-after and in-demand freelance career paths. Many startups and small enterprises recognize the pivotal role played by digital marketing in their growth strategies, making the expertise of experienced digital marketers an essential component of their teams.

For newly established companies or small businesses striving to expand their reach and customer base, online advertising often takes center stage in their growth equation. This recognition drives them to seek the assistance of freelance digital marketers who possess the skills and knowledge required to craft impactful marketing campaigns capable of capturing the attention of their target audience.

The role of a freelance digital marketer extends beyond the execution of isolated advertising efforts. It encompasses the creation of a comprehensive online marketing strategy that aligns with the brand or company’s objectives. To achieve this, digital marketers assemble teams of diverse professionals, each contributing their expertise to the overall strategy. These teams work in unison to ensure that the digital marketing plan remains on track, effectively guiding the brand toward the realization of its digital marketing goals.

Digital marketing is not only a dynamic and evolving field but also one that offers lucrative opportunities for freelancers. With the ability to shape the online presence and impact of businesses, freelance digital marketers hold a pivotal role in helping brands succeed in the digital landscape. Their work involves not only promoting products or services but also creating meaningful connections with audiences, making it one of the most rewarding and well-compensated freelance professions.

In essence, the field of digital marketing has become an indispensable component of modern business growth strategies. Freelance digital marketers contribute significantly to the success of brands by formulating and executing effective online marketing campaigns, making it a thriving and high-paying freelance career option for those with the necessary expertise.

12. Digital Marketing Consultant

How to Become a Digital Marketing Consultant (Complete Guide)

Freelance digital marketers play a pivotal role in assisting businesses in enhancing their online visibility and boosting lead generation, ultimately leading to increased sales. They leverage a diverse array of digital marketing strategies and tactics to achieve these objectives, effectively positioning themselves as indispensable assets to their clients.

One of the core areas of expertise for freelance digital marketers is search engine optimization (SEO), wherein they optimize a brand’s online presence to rank higher in search engine results pages. This strategic approach ensures that businesses are more easily discoverable by their target audience, driving organic traffic and potential customers to their websites.

In addition to SEO, digital marketers also harness the power of email marketing, using targeted campaigns to engage with and nurture leads. Social media marketing is another vital component, as it enables brands to connect with their audience on various platforms, build a loyal following, and drive user engagement.

Content marketing plays a key role in establishing thought leadership and authority within a niche, as well as attracting and retaining customers. Freelance digital marketers create and distribute valuable content that resonates with the target audience, reinforcing the brand’s identity and message.

Online advertising, encompassing strategies like pay-per-click (PPC) advertising and display ads, is another avenue through which digital marketers drive immediate visibility and reach. They strategically allocate budgets to maximize ROI and ensure that advertising efforts align with the brand’s objectives.

Furthermore, clients frequently seek the expertise of freelance digital marketers to address specific challenges within the realm of digital sales and marketing. These professionals possess a deep understanding of the digital landscape, enabling them to provide tailored solutions that drive results.

The rewarding aspect of freelance digital marketing is the potential for excellent pay rates. Given the critical role they play in helping businesses thrive in the digital realm, freelance digital marketers are valued and compensated accordingly, making this a highly attractive and lucrative career path for those who excel in the field.

Freelance digital marketers utilize a multifaceted approach to enhance online visibility, generate leads, and increase sales for businesses. By leveraging strategies such as SEO, email marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, and online advertising, they position brands for success in the digital age, while enjoying excellent compensation for their expertise and efforts.

13. App Developer

How to Become a Mobile App Developer? | Simplilearn

Companies are increasingly investing substantial resources in the development of custom applications, catering to both their customers and employees. This growing demand for application development has propelled app developers into the ranks of the highest-paid freelancers, with top earners frequently commanding six-figure incomes. If you possess a fervent passion for creating apps and possess the necessary skills, transitioning into a freelance app development career can be a highly strategic and lucrative move.

The demand for app developers with expertise in iOS and Android development remains exceptionally high. As you hone and expand your skillset, your earning potential as a freelance app developer also escalates. Building a successful freelance app development career begins with the construction of a robust portfolio that showcases your previous work, highlighting your creativity, innovation, and technical prowess. Your CV should focus on your skills and notable achievements, emphasizing measurable results that serve as tangible evidence of your capabilities.

Indeed, quantifiable outcomes serve as compelling testimony to what you can achieve. Therefore, don’t hesitate to showcase your accomplishments, as they speak volumes about your competence and potential as an app developer. While the initial phase of your freelance journey may involve taking on smaller projects to build your portfolio, each endeavor contributes to your professional repertoire. With every successful project, your confidence grows, and your ability to secure higher-profile opportunities improves.

To further bolster your qualifications, consider enrolling in specialized courses or participating in intensive boot camps to address any skill gaps and stay abreast of the latest industry trends. Continuous learning and skill enhancement are pivotal in the world of freelance app development, as they empower you to deliver cutting-edge solutions that meet the evolving needs of businesses and clients.

Freelance app developers play a pivotal role in meeting the burgeoning demand for custom applications in today’s digital landscape. By showcasing their skills through a strong portfolio and emphasizing measurable achievements, freelance app developers can unlock significant earning potential. While the journey may begin with smaller projects, each successful endeavor contributes to building a reputation and paving the way for more lucrative opportunities in the ever-expanding realm of app development.

14.  Content Creator

The dark side of being a content creator - BBC Worklife

In today’s media-driven world, the adage “Content is king” holds more true than ever before. The digital landscape offers a multitude of content types, ranging from blogs, white papers, brochures, newsletters, magazines, videos, infographics, social media posts, to email campaigns, and beyond. However, not every company possesses the resources, whether it be time or staffing, to create the diverse array of content they require. This is where freelance content creators step in, serving as invaluable partners to brands seeking to craft compelling and diverse content that can be effectively utilized online.

Freelance content creators are skilled professionals who collaborate with brands to craft a wide range of content, often centered around products, services, or individuals. This content serves as a dynamic tool for brands to engage their audience, convey their message, and foster connections in the digital realm. Importantly, content creation extends beyond sales-focused material; it encompasses the art of demonstrating products or discussing topics of interest, such as food, travel, or video games, to engage and captivate the audience.

The role of a freelance content creator is multifaceted, demanding proficiency in various creative disciplines. These professionals must possess skills in photography, videography, editing, scriptwriting, and content production, all culminating in a polished and finished product. They are tasked with transforming ideas and concepts into captivating visuals and narratives that resonate with the target audience.

Companies in search of freelance content creators are not merely seeking content producers; they are looking for creative talent capable of illuminating their brand and conveying its message in a compelling and engaging manner. Freelance content creators hold the key to breathing life into a brand’s online presence, effectively leveraging the power of diverse content forms to drive engagement and establish a meaningful digital footprint.

Freelance content creators occupy a pivotal role in the digital age, where content reigns supreme. Their ability to craft diverse and captivating content types empowers brands to connect with their audience, convey their message, and foster lasting relationships in the ever-evolving digital landscape. With proficiency in various creative disciplines, freelance content creators serve as the creative powerhouse behind a brand’s online identity and narrative, making them indispensable partners in the world of digital marketing and communication.


15. Copywriting

How to Start a Copywriting Business | TRUiC

Copywriting stands as the art of crafting persuasive and captivating text specifically tailored for various forms of marketing. For individuals possessing a flair for the written word and the ability to create content that not only informs but also persuades, freelance copywriting jobs offer an ideal avenue to showcase their talents. In the realm of copywriting, professionals are tasked with crafting a myriad of marketing materials, ranging from audio scripts and slogans to advertising texts, blogs, newsletters, social media copies, website content, and much more.

Businesses and organizations frequently seek the expertise of copywriters to craft the textual components of their marketing collateral, including brochures, websites, and other promotional materials. The overarching goal is to produce engaging and compelling content that not only captures the audience’s attention but also inspires and informs readers. Copywriters understand that their words hold the power to influence and impact the audience, making it imperative to not only be skilled writers but also to possess a deep understanding of how their words resonate with the intended readership.

The field of copywriting ranks among the most prevalent options for freelancers, with freelance copywriters assuming the role of content creators responsible for a diverse array of materials. These materials may include newsletters, advertising copy, emails, ebooks, articles, and other forms of meticulously crafted content that seize the attention of readers. This profession is particularly well-suited for individuals with strong communication skills and a firm command of the English language.

In practical terms, freelance copywriters often employ various tools and platforms to fulfill their role, such as Google Docs or content management systems like WordPress, depending on the client’s preferences and requirements. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for the copywriting field indicates a growth of approximately 4% between 2021 and 2031. While the statistics may show roughly 15,200 job openings for writers annually in the United States, it is essential to note that freelancers have the advantage of working with clients on a global scale, potentially expanding their opportunities even further.

Freelance copywriting offers an enticing career path for those with a penchant for persuasive and engaging writing. By crafting content that not only informs but also compels readers, freelance copywriters hold the key to helping businesses convey their messages effectively and achieve their marketing objectives. With the ability to work with clients worldwide and contribute to various forms of marketing materials, freelance copywriters play an integral role in the dynamic and ever-evolving field of marketing and communication.


16. Video Editing

Top 10 Video Editing Tools for Small Business | Digital Marketing Institute

Video content reigns supreme, capturing the attention of online audiences like never before. The production and refinement of high-quality video content demand a specialized skill set, ushering in the pivotal role of video editors. Unlike videographers who capture raw footage, video editors excel in enhancing and optimizing existing video content, transforming it into polished and compelling visual narratives.

The responsibilities of a video editor encompass a range of tasks aimed at elevating the quality and impact of video content. This includes the seamless integration of multiple video clips to create a cohesive and engaging narrative. Video editors skillfully incorporate background tracks and music, ensuring that the audio complements the visual elements to evoke the desired emotional response from viewers. Optimization of image and sound quality is also central to their role, as they meticulously refine every aspect of the video to achieve a professional and visually appealing final product.

Moreover, video editors are adept at identifying and rectifying errors, ensuring a flawless viewing experience for the audience. They possess the creative acumen to add graphics and audio elements that enhance the storytelling and convey important information effectively. As the demand for video content continues to surge, particularly among brands and businesses seeking to connect with their audience through multimedia, the role of video editors has become increasingly profitable and sought-after.

One of the distinguishing features of this profession is its accessibility for remote work, making it one of the standout freelance jobs that can be performed from the comfort of home. The essential tools for a video editor are a computer equipped with editing software, enabling them to work on projects remotely. What’s more, a formal university degree may not be a strict requirement, provided an individual possesses a strong and diverse portfolio that showcases their editing prowess.

Video editing represents a flourishing and in-demand field in the contemporary digital landscape. As more brands and individuals seek to harness the power of video content, video editors play a pivotal role in refining and optimizing visual narratives. Armed with a computer and editing software, freelance video editors are well-positioned to thrive in this dynamic industry, leveraging their creative talents and technical skills to produce captivating video content that resonates with audiences worldwide.

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17. Data Analysis

Coforge| Data and Analytics | Services & Solutions


Data analytics stands out as one of the most rapidly growing sectors in the contemporary job market, offering a plethora of opportunities for freelance professionals. At the heart of this burgeoning field lies the role of the freelance data analyst, a skilled individual who plays a pivotal role in helping clients dissect and derive insights from intricate datasets encompassing historical transactions or events. The essence of their work lies in the meticulous compilation, organization, and analysis of vast volumes of data, culminating in the creation of informative reports tailored to the unique needs of each business.

The contributions of data analysts are indispensable, as they serve as the vanguards of knowledge, unearthing critical trends in client behavior and various facets of business operations. Their work empowers organizations to make informed decisions regarding their day-to-day operations, strategy formulation, and long-term planning. In essence, data analysts act as the custodians of data-driven insights, transforming raw data into actionable information that drives business success.

Attention to detail is a hallmark trait of data analysts, as they scrutinize datasets with a discerning eye to detect emerging patterns and potential systemic errors. This keen eye for detail ensures the accuracy and reliability of the insights derived from the data, bolstering the integrity of decision-making processes. Additionally, data analysts often collaborate closely with web developers to design and implement seamless data collection systems that enable the efficient and precise acquisition of data for analysis.

The role of a freelance data analyst represents a dynamic and highly sought-after profession within the realm of data analytics. With the ability to navigate and analyze vast datasets, these professionals are instrumental in uncovering valuable insights that drive informed decision-making for businesses across various industries. Their meticulous attention to detail, coupled with their expertise in data analysis, positions them as invaluable assets for clients seeking to harness the power of data to optimize their operations and stay ahead in today’s data-driven world.

18. Business Consultant

What is management consulting & how to become a management consultant? |

The role of a business consultant encompasses a multifaceted and strategic approach to helping clients gain a comprehensive understanding of specific operational aspects of their organizations. Often, these professionals play an active and instrumental role in resolving complex business challenges, providing invaluable insights and expertise that drive positive change. Businesses and organizations routinely enlist the services of consultants to seek guidance and advice on pragmatic strategies aimed at enhancing day-to-day operations, optimizing profitability, and achieving their overarching goals.

Business consultants are known to specialize in one or more key areas of business, which may include marketing, finance, human resources, or various other facets of organizational management. As freelance consultants, individuals have the flexibility to collaborate with multiple entrepreneurs and businesses concurrently, affording them the opportunity to maximize their income potential while offering their expertise to a diverse array of clients. Remarkably, the median hourly rate for business consultants spans a range of $28 to $98, contingent on factors such as the consultant’s level of expertise and the scope of the project at hand.

The demand for management analysts, a profession closely aligned with business consultancy, is poised for significant growth, with projected opportunities expected to expand by 11% through the year 2031. As the landscape of business evolves and presents new challenges, businesses will increasingly turn to consultants for innovative solutions and strategic guidance.

To tap into the flourishing field of business consultancy, individuals can explore a plethora of opportunities and projects by perusing business consultant job listings on platforms such as Upwork. These platforms serve as valuable hubs for connecting consultants with clients seeking their expertise, fostering collaboration, and driving impactful outcomes for businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape. In essence, the role of a business consultant stands as a dynamic and impactful profession, offering skilled individuals the chance to make a significant difference in the success and growth of businesses across diverse industries.

19. Photographer

How to Become a Professional Photographer - Complete Guide

Photography is a widely embraced and creative field that demands a harmonious blend of artistic vision and technical expertise to produce exceptional images that resonate with both individuals and businesses. As a freelance photographer, you have the remarkable opportunity to earn a livelihood by capturing the essence of diverse subjects, including events, physical products, captivating places, and the rich tapestry of human experiences. The allure of photography lies in its capacity to encapsulate moments and narratives within the confines of a single frame, transforming everyday scenes into captivating visual stories.

Clients and businesses recognize the profound value of compelling visual content, and they are willing to invest significantly in photographers who possess the prowess to convey stories through their lens. The artistry of photography lies not only in capturing images but also in weaving narratives that stir emotions and convey messages. In an era where visuals hold immense sway in shaping perceptions and making indelible impressions, the role of a freelance photographer is both lucrative and rewarding.

Photographers who possess advanced skills in post-processing, particularly in software like Photoshop, find themselves in even greater demand. The ability to refine and enhance images in the post-production phase elevates the quality and impact of the final product, making photographers with strong Photoshop skills particularly sought after in the industry.

Whether you aspire to work as a part-time or full-time photographer, the realm of freelance photography offers a diverse range of opportunities, and platforms like Upwork serve as valuable hubs for connecting photographers with clients seeking their creative expertise. These platforms facilitate the seamless matching of talent with projects, ensuring a constant flow of opportunities and collaborations.

According to job outlook data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), photography job opportunities are expected to experience a notable growth of 9% by the year 2031, underscoring the continued relevance and demand for skilled photographers. In terms of compensation, freelance photographers can anticipate hourly rates ranging between $40 and $100, depending on factors such as their level of expertise and the complexity of the projects they undertake.

To maintain a thriving freelance photography career, individuals can keep their work pipeline consistently full by actively browsing for and bidding on photography projects available on platforms like Upwork. In doing so, they unlock the potential to showcase their creative talents, forge meaningful collaborations, and leave an indelible imprint through the art of photography in a world that cherishes visual storytelling.

20. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Professional

Top 20 AI Courses, Certificates & Certifications

Professionals in the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are at the forefront of innovation, working tirelessly to comprehend and develop groundbreaking solutions that have the potential to revolutionize both daily life and the world of business. Their expertise lies in harnessing the power of AI to create algorithms, construct intricate natural language processing (NLP) models, and pioneer advancements that propel the field of artificial intelligence forward.

These dedicated AI professionals leverage their computer programming skills to craft intelligent systems, capable of learning, adapting, and making data-driven decisions, all of which have far-reaching implications for various industries. Within this dynamic and ever-evolving field, Machine Learning Engineers play a pivotal role, commanding hourly rates that range from $25 to $50. These engineers specialize in crafting algorithms and models that enable machines to learn from data, a capability that underpins many AI applications.

AI Engineers, on the other hand, are valued for their ability to conceptualize, design, and implement complex AI solutions. Their skill set encompasses a wide spectrum of AI technologies, enabling them to tackle multifaceted challenges and address the unique needs of businesses and projects. AI engineers typically command hourly rates ranging from $30 to $60, and they often encounter a wealth of fixed-price projects that showcase their adaptability and expertise.

The burgeoning field of AI offers a fertile landscape of opportunities, with employment prospects for Computer and Information Research Scientists anticipated to surge by an impressive 21% by the year 2031. This robust growth underscores the unwavering demand for professionals who can push the boundaries of AI, driving innovation and transformative change across diverse sectors.

For those seeking to embark on a rewarding career in AI or machine learning engineering, platforms like Upwork serve as invaluable resources, connecting talented individuals with top AI jobs and machine learning engineering opportunities. Whether you are an AI enthusiast eager to dive into the world of algorithms and machine learning or an established AI engineer ready to tackle complex projects, Upwork offers a platform for exploration and growth within this exciting and high-demand field.

21. Data Analyst

What Does a Data Analyst Career Path Look Like?

Freelance data analysts are the modern-day detectives of the digital age, entrusted with the crucial task of unraveling intricate patterns and uncovering invaluable insights hidden within vast troves of data. Their expertise lies in meticulously sifting through historical transactions, events, and customer interactions to extract actionable intelligence that empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions that steer their day-to-day operations.

Data analysts are instrumental in distilling meaning from the sea of information, and their work serves as the compass that guides companies of all sizes toward more precise predictions of future trends. By harnessing the power of big data, gathered from diverse operational sources, these analysts provide a clear and actionable roadmap for businesses to navigate the evolving landscape of their industries.

In terms of compensation, the freelance data analyst landscape is both lucrative and diverse, with median hourly rates for data analysts on platforms like Upwork spanning the range of $20 to $50. While many data analysts choose the traditional full-time employment route, others opt for the dynamic world of freelancing, where a steady stream of well-paying projects awaits discovery on specialized platforms.

The data analysis field is characterized by robust growth, underscored by a projected increase of 23% in demand for data analysts between 2021 and 2031, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This surge in demand is indicative of the pivotal role data analysts play in guiding businesses toward success by translating data into actionable insights.

Freelance data analysts can tap into a diverse array of opportunities by exploring project listings on platforms such as Upwork. Whether you are an experienced data analyst seeking new challenges or an aspiring data detective eager to embark on this exciting journey, freelance data analysis offers a realm of possibilities in the digital age.


22. Project Manager

What does a project manager do? (Insights from the real world!) - Penn State World Campus

For those who relish the challenge of dissecting intricate business processes and envisioning pathways to streamline existing workflows, a career as a project manager may be a perfect fit. Project managers serve as the navigators of the corporate world, responsible for ensuring that teams remain aligned with their objectives and meet critical deadlines. Their expertise lies in eliminating ambiguity and uncertainty, allowing organizations to optimize their utilization of time, resources, and finances as they work toward their goals.

On platforms like Upwork, project managers typically command hourly rates ranging from $19 to $45, reflecting the diverse spectrum of skills and experience that they bring to the table. Their ability to orchestrate complex projects, allocate resources efficiently, and maintain unwavering focus on project timelines positions them as indispensable assets to businesses across industries.

The demand for project management specialists is on a steady rise, with a projected growth rate of 7% through 2031, as indicated by data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This trend underscores the pivotal role that project managers play in modern businesses, where the ability to guide projects to successful completion is a critical determinant of organizational success.

For professionals seeking their next project management opportunity, platforms like Upwork offer a diverse array of listings for project management jobs. Whether you are a seasoned project management expert or an emerging talent eager to embark on this dynamic career path, the world of project management beckons with opportunities to shape and drive the success of businesses in today’s competitive landscape.


23. Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking

Ways to Enter the Field of Cyber Security Jobs as an Ethical Hacker - Người Việt tại Thái Lan

Projections suggest that by 2025, global cybercrime could result in staggering losses of up to $10.5 trillion for businesses, surpassing the current GDP of Japan. Consequently, organizations are actively investing in bolstering their cybersecurity defenses, both in terms of technology and talent.

In this high-stakes environment, cybersecurity specialists play a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information, identifying vulnerabilities within systems, establishing breach response protocols, and conducting cybersecurity awareness training for employees. Interestingly, the field of ethical hacking is witnessing substantial growth. Ethical hackers, often referred to as “white hat” hackers, emulate the techniques of malicious hackers to identify system weaknesses. Armed with insights gained from their work, they can advise companies on strengthening existing security measures and developing robust future-proof systems.

Despite the surging demand for cybersecurity expertise, the talent pool of full-time professionals remains insufficient. Projections indicate that by 2025, as many as 3.5 million cybersecurity jobs may go unfilled. Therefore, individuals with a penchant for software manipulation, meticulous attention to detail, and a drive for learning can seize opportunities to acquire freelance cybersecurity skills, including:

  • Penetration Testing (Pen Testing): Assessing systems and networks for vulnerabilities by simulating cyberattacks to uncover weaknesses.
  • Network Administration: Managing and maintaining secure network infrastructures to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Threat Monitoring and Analysis: Continuously monitoring network activity for suspicious behavior and analyzing potential threats to proactively respond to security incidents.
  • Threat Hunting: Employing advanced techniques to actively search for signs of cyber threats within an organization’s infrastructure and preemptively addressing them.

As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, freelance professionals with these skills are well-positioned to play a vital role in protecting businesses and mitigating cyber risks.


24. Digital Currency Development

How regulators can keep up with digital currencies | World Economic Forum

The world of cryptocurrencies and blockchains has ushered in a fascinating new profession: digital currency developer. Across the globe, nearly every central bank is actively exploring the potential launch of a national central digital bank currency (CBDC), such as a digital Euro or digital Sterling. In fact, a significant 60% of these central banks are already engaged in “proof of concept” testing, which involves assessing the legal and technical feasibility of creating digital currencies.

For instance, the European Central Bank is currently evaluating various options for introducing a digital Euro in the foreseeable future. Similarly, the US Federal Reserve has partnered with MIT to devise a blockchain-based digital dollar. While these developments may appear futuristic today, it’s essential to remember that many people didn’t foresee the rise of Bitcoin in 2010.

For individuals equipped with a deep understanding of blockchain protocols, along with a background in economics, there exists a promising opportunity to capitalize on this emerging trend. You can offer advisory services to financial institutions and businesses eager to explore the world of blockchain and digital currencies. By leveraging your expertise in this rapidly evolving field, you can position yourself as a valuable resource in the realm of digital currency development and contribute to shaping the financial landscape of the future.


25. Video Production

Video Production and Media - Innovative Learning

The growth in video uploads, which has surged by an astounding 263.4% over the past 5 years, is a remarkable testament to the increasing significance of video content in today’s digital landscape. This trend is unsurprising, considering the exponential rise in video viewership time. In the United States alone, mobile video watching now accounts for a staggering 6.8 billion hours each month.

What does this mean for freelancers? It translates into a soaring demand for a wide array of videography services. Businesses are actively seeking freelancers who can assist them in harnessing the power of video to engage with their target audiences effectively. Some of the sought-after videography services include:

  • TikTok and Instagram Reels production
  • Video retouching and color correction
  • Professional video editing
  • Short- and long-form video production
  • Customer video testimonials creation

Businesses have come to realize that video offers an unparalleled medium for conveying their message in a visually captivating manner. As a result, freelancers equipped with the skills to create high-quality videos, whether using free online video maker tools or advanced video editing software, are in high demand. A substantial 56% of businesses are planning to launch video marketing programs for 2022 and beyond.

For freelancers looking to carve out a lucrative niche, the world of videography presents a compelling opportunity. The ever-increasing appetite for video content ensures a steady stream of work and the chance to make a meaningful impact for clients across various industries.

26. Voice-over Acting

Do You Need Acting Training to Do Voiceover?

Voice-over acting is a rewarding and enjoyable avenue for freelancers to earn income, and it holds the potential to evolve into a prosperous long-term career. Opportunities in voice-over acting abound, particularly for those who can lend their voices to:

  1. Video-on-demand platforms that are localizing content for new markets.
  2. Companies seeking to develop voice user interfaces.
  3. Online language learning products.

Furthermore, voice-overs are integral to a wide range of mediums, including video games, audiobooks, podcasts, webinars, cartoons, documentaries, and much more. The beauty of voice-over work is that you don’t need a voice akin to James Earl Jones to succeed; however, your voice should be a versatile instrument capable of conveying a diverse array of messages and emotions. Much like singers, voice-over actors continually train and practice to expand their vocal range and enhance their craft.

If you’re considering a career in voice-over acting, it offers a combination of creativity, flexibility, and potential financial rewards. With the right training and dedication, you can turn your voice into a valuable asset in the world of media and entertainment. So, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it—voice-over acting can be both personally fulfilling and financially lucrative.

Which Freelance Skills are Best For The Future?

the future of employability hinges on a blend of strong digital literacy, interpersonal skills, and creative prowess, supplemented by a commitment to continuous learning. These attributes are pivotal for mastering emerging professions or enhancing one’s earning potential within their chosen field. Understanding the evolving landscape of work is crucial in identifying which freelance skills will be in high demand in the coming years. Here are the key observations:

  • Growing Dependence on Technology and Automation: A significant portion of job tasks across various occupations can be automated, with estimates suggesting that up to 30% of global work hours could be automated by 2030. The pace of technological adoption will determine the extent of this transformation.
  • Emphasis on Knowledge and Creativity: As automation takes care of routine and repetitive tasks, workers will have more capacity for knowledge-based and creative work. Artificial intelligence and robotics are poised to complement human capabilities, serving as valuable assistants rather than replacements. Many business leaders recognize that technology cannot fully replicate human ingenuity.
  • Shifting Employment Patterns: The rise of remote work and freelance opportunities has already reshaped the employment landscape. Employers have become increasingly comfortable with sourcing talent globally and managing remote teams. This shift has empowered workers to pursue independent careers and market their skills on a global scale.

Collectively, these trends set the stage for the future of freelancing, where individuals possessing sought-after freelance skills can access meaningful and well-compensated work. They are also empowered by advanced business tools and relevant legislative support to navigate the evolving world of work successfully.



Freelancing is a burgeoning industry with diverse opportunities that can be a valuable path for individuals seeking income during periods of financial uncertainty or expanded unemployment. It offers the flexibility to pursue one’s passions and hobbies while also serving as a viable source of income. As illustrated in this comprehensive list, freelance jobs span various career fields, providing a wide array of options for job seekers. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting your freelance journey, these in-demand freelance jobs can open doors to exciting opportunities and help you find the perfect role that aligns with your skills and interests.